We Don't Get the Fairytail

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"Wait okay... Explain to me what exactly do you mean by... I made a deal to protect you from the Incubus... With who? What was the deal?" demanding answers as I gaped at Dean, shocked that he would do something like that for me.

"Ren." He growled, shaking his head not wanting to get into the details of it.

But it was too late for that, he couldn't just blurt out that he made a deal to protect me and not give up the details. I would expect him to doing something reckless like that for Sam maybe even Bobby, but not for me.

He was ready to stand his ground, folding his arms over his firm chest, remaining tight lipped about the whole situation. His whole body was tense, on edge, hating that he was my main focus right now.

"You know Winchester; this whole honesty thing goes both ways." Waving a finger between us as I glared daggers at his guarded posture.

"It's. Not. Important." Grounding out each word as if that would get his finality on the subject a crossed. "All that matters is that it kept you safe for the last six years." Dean snapped, slamming his bottle on the table causing beer to splash out of the top as he backed away from the table and started to pace the small motel room.

"Fine..." snarling right back at him, holding my hands up in surrender. "Question..." snapping as he whipped his head back around to glare at me. "When we were all going over the details about the Incubus back at Bobby's... and they all jumped on me, questioning why he wasn't tracking me, why didn't you at least jump in and help me out?" irritated that he was holding back information on the case, like he so loved to accuse me of.

"I knew you wouldn't give up everything you held back from me all these years... or what had happened with that fucker getting into your head, unless you were pushed to." growling out the words, with absolutely no remorse for his deception.

"Of course." Scowling at his betrayal which I should be use to, narrowing my gaze at his unapologetic expression. "What are the terms of this deal Dean?" Keeping my words tight and clipped, demanding an answer to at least that.

I needed to know what he gave up for me, how indebted I was to him. How guilty I should feel that he put something, someone or himself on the line for my protection.

I hated this gnawing, churning feeling of guilt and gratitude settling in the pit of my stomach. I just really hating that I owed Dean Winchester anything after all these years, after everything else he put me through.

I especially hated the fact that a part of me felt happy, grateful even that he was willing do something like that for me, someone he was so willing to walk away from so easily.

"That's my problem." he growled, drawing my attention back to him as he jabbed his index finger into his chest, raking his other hand through his already disheveled hair.

"I deserve to know.... at least some truth, a little honesty after all this time... after everything." Pushing myself away from the table and standing to take a defensive position against Winchester.

He wasn't going to answer questions easily or give up any kind of information without fighting me every step of the way. The man has been tortured, beaten to the point of death and beyond.

Hes fought and killed all kinds of demons and monsters. A short, petite, half Hispanic girl wasn't going to be any kind of threat for him.

"WHY?... HUH? WHY DOES IT EVEN MATTER?"  turning back toward me, screaming out his frustration with my continued interrogation.

"IT MATTERS TO ME." Screaming right back at him, refusing to give up so simply. "BECAUSE I DESERVE THE TRUTH." I needed to understand why he did it, especially when it was so easy for him to pick up and walk away.

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