My Own Worst Enemy

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I will find you in the burning sky. Where the ashes rain in your mind ohh, ohh Sacrifice... I will find you in the burning sky. Where the ashes rain in your mind ohh, ohh Sacrifice....

Groaning I rolled over to grab at my phone, hoping to stop whoever was calling, making my head throb from the lingering hangover. Reaching out I tried to slap at the edge of the bed, trying to get myself to the nightstand where I last saw my phone.

Instead of hitting the soft surface of the bed, I smacked something hard and firm that grunted from the impact. Instantly I popped my blurry eyes open and came face to face with a sleeping muscular form.

Terror ripped through me at the realization that someone was in bed with me, that I let out a shriek of fear as I attempted to scramble away from this unknown person.

"FUCK!" yelling out as I pushed myself to far over the edge of the bed, where gravity took over, yanking me the ground with a thump.

"The hell are you doing?" Dean groaned, leaning over to look down at me from the edge of the bed.

"Dean?" shooting my dazed head up and feeling overwhelming relief when I locked onto his groggy, confused green eyes.

"Yeah." He was looking down at me like I was a crazy person.

Shaking my muddled head, suddenly remembering the bottle of tequila I consumed, my conversation with Wade, my horrible dream, the freezing cold shower, Dean helping me and lastly me pathetically asking him to sleep with me.

"Forgot you were in bed with me... had a moment of panic is all." Rubbing my hands over my face, hopefully rubbing away how my face turned bright red at the memory of sleeping next to Winchester for the better part of the night.

Unfortunately for me, my mind automatically processed the fact that once I was asleep next to Dean, I actually got a pretty decent night's rest and felt somewhat at ease and relaxed. Even well rested, despite the startling way I woke up and the slight throbbing ache in my brain.

"Right." He grunted flopping back down on the bed.

Blowing out an exasperated breath, I pulled myself up off the floor and hesitantly sat down on the edge of the bed. Looking over I spotted my phone on the table, not the nightstand rolling my eyes I quickly grabbed my phone off the table and seeing that I had eight missed calls from Carlo, not including the fifteen text messages.

"Fucking Carlo." Hissing under my breath, scrolling through his messages.

"What time is it?" Dean groaned, pulling himself into a sitting position on the edge of the bed.

"Uh..." glancing up at the clock and saw that it was nearly seven in the morning. "Seven." Surprised that we slept so long. I'm normally up by four or so, unless I had a bad night.

"I'm gonna get a shower..." he grated pulling himself off the bed. "And hunt down some coffee." he added at he shuffled into the bathroom and swung the door most of the way closed.

Laying my head in my free hand, I let out a frustrated sigh. I should have said something, anything to at least acknowledge the fact that he did me favor by laying down with me last night, especially after that weird, freaking ass dream. Yet I wasn't sure how he would receive it, especially after taking off to drink away my memories and anger over him last night.

Suddenly my phone buzzed in my hand, scaring me half to death. Seeing another text from Carlo, figuring that I better face the firing squad and just Skype him and see what was going on. Grabbing the Winchester's laptop, I quickly connected to skype and waited for one of them to answer.

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