Shared Jealousy

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It took some doing but Sam finally starting relaxing around me, at least without having to look over his shoulder every couple of minutes to see if anyone, mainly Dean, was watching us.

The guilt was eating at me that I put poor Sam in this uncomfortable situation, all because I don't trust myself around Winchester.

On the bright side, I have to admit it was actually reallying nice getting to talk to someone other then Carlo, don't get me wrong I love my brother with all of my heart but there are just somethings we can't talk about and it was a relief to talk to someone who actually pays attention and listens to you when you speak.

    "Okay... I think I did this right. Want to come check it out?" Sam questioned pulling me from the repair work I was doing on the clutch. Gazing up from my work I saw that he was biting his lip in concern. "you only had to install the new side mirrors, easy stuff." smirking at his furrowed brow as he inspected over his work.

    "You said this was your baby, I just want to make sure I'm not screwing it up with crooked mirrors." he breathed out in frustration as I chuckled at his seriousness.

    Holding up my greasy hands in mock surrender I busted up laughing. "Alright... alright mirror crookedness, I'm on it." grabbing a rag to wipe my hands off, so not to smug up my new mirrors.

I stood and come around the front of the bike to inspect his diligent work. Slowly walking around the Knucklehead to get a good look from all sides, I had to admit it was pretty good work considering he's never worked on a bike before.

    "Well?" he questioned nervously as he bit on his thumb nail, watching me intensely for any signs that he might have messed this up.

    "Well...." wrinkling my nose to mess with him, instantly he shagged in shoulders in defeat. Deciding to put him out of his misery, I chuckled and punched him in the arm. "Looks really good... Nice job." smiling up at him as his eyes lite up with satisfaction.

    "Thanks." giving me a small smile of satisfaction as he crossed his arms over his chest, beaming with pride. "All of this, it's not as easy as it looks." he stated looking over all the work I've already done so far.

    "No it's not... but in the end it will be all worth it." my chest swelling with my own pride as I gazed at all of my hard work.

    "How did you get into bikes?" turning his full attention toward me. Letting out a deep sigh, I bit back on my lip not sure if I wanted to get so personal with him so soon, yet also knowing that for this plan to work it was necessary.

    "My Papi... he was always into four wheelers and dirt bikes as a kid." letting out a deep breath I thought back to all the stories Papi had told Carlo and I of his youth. "he wasn't hardcore, not a full on Harley owner or anything like that... but he liked to ride... so one day he shows up after working a case and he had this dirt bike loaded up in the back of the truck." chuckling at the memory. "He thought it would be perfect for Carlo... he hadn't counted on his little girl being the one to fall in love with it first."

    "So you took it from him." he accused with a knowing smiling down at me.

    "Not really." shaking me head. "Carlo just wasn't as into it as I was... man I loved that bike. I was only nine when he brought it to my Abuelita's house... Scared her to death every time I rode it, but I was hell bent on master that thing." feeling emotional as the memories of my childhood and my Grandma came to the surface.

    "Abuelita?" he questioned not sure of the word.

    "Grandma... Carlo and I lived with her after... after our mom was killed." gulping against the sudden tightens in my constricting throat. "Demon." answering his unspoken question.

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