Keeping It Together

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My stomach rolled while bile rose in my throat as we walked into the City Morgue.

Taking deep breaths through my nose and releasing them out my mouth I kept repeating, practically chanting to myself, focus it's just another case, you can do this, no emotions Rena.

Walking up to the Coroner's Asst. desk Dean shot me a concerned look, checking to see if I was keeping it together. Clenching my jaw and tensing my stance, I nodded my head at him to ring the bell for assistance.

He reached out a hand to ring the bell and tapped down on the handle twice, we stood patiently for about a minute before Dean decided to slam his hand down on the bell with quite some force, really demanding some attention.

Suddenly a unimpressed, pale, tall and thin young guy wearing a lab coat walked out of the swinging double doors behind the desk.

Walking up to the desk without looking at us, the guy swiftly removed the bell and placed it as far from Dean as possible before slowly looking up at us as if he could careless what we wanted or needed.

"Yes." he drawled like we were wasting his precious time.

"Agents Montley and Cruz." Dean growled at him, pissed with his unhelpful attitude as we flashed our fake badges. "Detective Danton should have informed you about us stopping by."

Rolling his eyes unimpressed, he nodded his head. "Right the slice and dice chick... This way." he huffed, turning to lead us through the doors.

Scowling at the back of this annoying, impassive kid's head. Turning to look at Dean, who was scowling at the back of the guys head like he was going to punch him in the back of the head or something. He shot me a look to show me he was just as disgusted with this guy as I was.

"We're going to need a copy of the Autopsy report." snipping at the kid, who wasn't much older then me.

"Yep, Danton already told me you might want one." he quipped back as he came to the wall that housed and kept the bodies cold for examination.

Walking directing to one of the many doors on the wall, he quickly opened it and pulled out the silver table with a white sheet covering the body underneath.

"Here she is... I'll go grab the report." he turned and walked off without another word.

"That kid is a dick." Dean snapped as soon as the assistant left us alone.

"That's an understatement." snorting out a laugh as Dean gave me quick, tight smile.

Biting my lip, thankful that Dean was here with me, something I would never admit to him. Sighing, I turned back toward Sophia's body and felt all the blood drain from my face, gulping I let out the breath I was holding.

"Ready?" he asked grabbing hold of the sheet, but hesitating waiting for my response.

Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath and mentally prepared myself for what I was about to see. Suddenly I felt a warm, comforting hand cup my cheek, popping my eyes opened I found myself looking into Dean's soft, concerned green eyes.

Leaning into his touch for just a moment before realizing once again what I was doing and instantly, yet reluctantly pulling back from his touch. Reminding myself not to slip into the familiar with Dean, before nodded at him.

"I'm ready."

He swiftly pulled back the sheet, like he was ripping off a band aid, just getting it over with and revealed a poor dismembered Sophia Greene.

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