I Need to be Done!

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"Come on Winchester... loosen up and have a little fun." smirking as I quickly snatched up the shot of whiskey the bartender had just set in front of Dean.

Quickly tossing it back before he could protest my immature behavior, once again.

"We're suppose to be working a case, not having fun Lorena." he scowled as I slammed the shot glass down onto the bar, rolling my eyes at him always being so serious, at least with me. "What would your dad say if he saw you drinking? Especially since your underage." he smirked back in a slightly teasing tone.

"He's got jokes... shocking." gasping in mock surprise, holding my hand over my heart. "and what's the point in having fake ids if you don't use them?" whispering as I leaned in close to him, giving him a wink.

"We still need to be serious here... We have a job to do." returning to his all to familiar serious tone as he straightened his posture on the bar stool he was sitting on.

I scoffed at how he was closing himself off emotionally again and simply shook my head at him, he's been doing that a lot lately, especially when he starts to get uncomfortable around me.

"Well I'm going to have some fun while we're at it." turning on my heels and heading toward the dance floor.

Suddenly I felt a hand grip me firmly by the wrist, halting my retreat, glancing down at the hand holding me in place I slowly looking up into Dean's hazel green eyes as he smiled mischievous down at me.

"Stay in my line of sight at all times... ok Ren." his voice dropping into a low and husky tone as he pulled me into his taunt, muscular chest. I gasped staring up at him, overwhelmed by his dominating presence.

How did he keep doing this to me? Making me feel so overwhelmed with lust, desire and desperation for him. I need to focus on the case, not how gorgeous Winchester is.

Slowly he brought a hand up, cupping my cheek, slowly rubbing his thumb against my jaw while he smirked down at me.

Gasping for air, I bolted straight up in my seat, panicking as I quickly tried to gathered my composure as I frantically glanced around my surroundings.

Sighing with relief to see that I was still sitting in the passenger seat of the Tahoe as my brother Carlo drove. He was shooting a sideway glance at me, his expression full of concern.

"You alright?" he questioned as he slowed the tahoe down and turned into a roadside gas station.

I lowered my head between my knees, taking deep breathes as I tried to push aside that fucking dream, which was really just a deeply buried memory and all the damn emotions it brought flooding back about him.

"I'm fine... just a bad dream is all." taking a few more breathes, I leaned back in the seat as he pulled us to a stop next to the gas pumps.

"Your sure?" Reaching out to rub my arm, I nodded pursing my lips together afraid to say anything, not trusting myself or emotions to come flooding out. "Alright... Well we need gas and food... Which do you want to get?" he asked opening his door and sliding out.

"I'll pump the gas... Need some fresh air." I stated simply as I slid out of the passenger seat and came around the side of the Tahoe toward the pumps.

"Cool, I'll get you a pizza pocket." calling over his shoulder as he confidently strolled toward the store.

Biting my lip, I started pumping the gas and leaned against the Tahoe resting my head back as I closed my eyes and instantly I saw him again, those mesmerizing hazel green eye, his arrogant smirk, tousled dirty blonde hair and perfect square jaw.

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