Saving Us

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Leaning back I shot an annoyed glance toward Sam as he drove the Tahoe. He still seemed uneasy and conflicted as he gripped the steering wheel every now and then with pent up guilt and anger.

We've been on the road for nearly five hours at this point and he has yet to say a single word to me, all because of Dean and his ridiculous reaction to Sam being my protector.

    We had packed up and left the following day, after showing Sam how to ride the dirt bike. Dean had a meltdown before we could even head out, because I insisted on Sam and I driving together.

I tried to be reasonable with him at first, explaining that we had to keep up the appearances of a couple. Yet Dean being the stubborn ass that he is, ranted and raved that we all should all drive down together.

    Not one to let anyone, including Winchester tell me what I was and wasn't going to do, threw my stuff in the Tahoe, stating that I would go and handle the Incubus myself. Since Dean couldn't seem to follow along with the plan, for whatever reasons he had.

At that point Bobby and Carlo both jumped in to help argue my point, only for the soul purpose that they both knew that I was just as strong headed and stubborn as Dean.

    So now I'm sitting in a vehicle with someone who's refusing to speak to me, afraid that if he does it's betraying his brother on some level. With Dean and Carlo riding in the Impala, directly behind us.

Why so close? Because that's the only way Mister Control Freak Going to Have it My Way or No Way, Dean Winchester would finally agree to Sam riding with me.

    At first I was pissed off at what a huge baby Dean was acting like, but now that I've been sitting here for the last couple of hours, with nothing but my own thoughts to keep me company, the guilt was starting to get at me once again.

I knew exactly why he was acting like this, he's jealous as impossible as that seemed and if I take any of what Bobby said to heart, Dean deep down cares for me.

I couldn't expect that fact, I couldn't even begin to entertain the thought that he might possibly love me. Shaking my head, I quickly pushing that embarrassingly hopeful thought from my mind.

    Sighing in defeat, I turned in the passenger seat to face a miserable looking Sam. "You know... at some point you will have to talk to me." hoping to get a response from him.

    "Yeah." was all he replied, once again squeezing the steering wheel.

    "Sam... the only way this will work is if we build a bond... and I don't know... talk to each other." retorting sarcastically as he pursed his lips, his green eyes never leaving the road. "Alright." hissing as I threw my hands up. "Pull over... now."

    "What?" he asked furrowing his brow as he finally glanced over at me.

    "I said... pull over." pointing toward a roadside diner that was coming up right a head of us. He showed no signs of slowing down to do what I asked. "Now." snapping in frustration, causing him to jump in surprise.

    "Okay, okay." flicking on the blinkers, he moved us to the far right lane and pulled into the diner's parking lot. Once we were parked with Dean pulling up right along beside us, I unleashed my pent up irritation.

    "Why are you ignoring me? Because of your brother?" not able to control the anger seeping into my words. He shrugged, refusing to met my accusing gaze as he shot a quick glance toward Dean and Carlo, who were both staring at us wanting to know why we stopped. "Sam." demanding an answer.

    "Alright... Man you are bossy." he retorted looking uneasy. Raising my eyebrows, I waited for him to explain. "Rena... I love my brother." he started.

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