Someone By Your Side

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"You need someone by your side when we go in the check out these places the Incubus has taken victims." Sam protested as we all sat uncomfortably in Bobby's living room, trying to work out what our game plan was going to be.

"Sam... this isn't my first hunt... I've done this plenty of times... I know how to protect myself." groaning in annoyance that we were still having this damn conversation, especially after nearly three hours of sitting here arguing about it.

After Dean's little surprise visit, I managed to get in a quick shower before having to head over to Bobby's so we could get this damn case over and done with already. The sooner I got away from Dean Winchester the better.

"I respect that, I do... But this is a whole different scenario we're working with here... You've been marked by this creature, he can track you." pointing accusingly toward the mark on my neck, like I needed the reminder. "Also... we don't know for sure just how powerful his lustful pull will be on you... and with no way to bring you out of it and back to yourself..." trailing off with the wave of his hand, trying to drive his point home.

Clenching my jaw, I risked a frustrated glance at Dean as he sat in one of Bobby's kitchen chair backwards, leaning forward looking over the papers we had compiled when we worked the case the first time around, slowly sipping on his beer as he let his brother handle the argument.

He must have felt my eyes on him, cause within moments he was flicking a curious gaze up at me, meeting my tense stare. Shaking my head, I quickly looked away and turning my attention back to Sam and Carlo.

"Come on Rena... El tiene razon." Carlo demanded, going right along with Sam.

"I'll have you Carlo... your all I'll need... that will help keep me grounded." struggling to sound confident in my choice as they continued to argue with me about this.

"It doesn't work that way... and you know it." Dean interrupted, setting his beer on the coffee table and folding his hands in front of himself. Grimacing, I knew what he was talking about before he even continued, we all turned our attention to him. "He likes to break up couples, people in love... you need to be in couple... And Sammy's right too, you need someone by your side." making it sound more like a command instead of a suggestion or request. "Someone who can help protect you."

"What?... You think it's going to be you estupido?" Carlo snapped toward Dean, still pissed off after learning everything he did about Dean and I at our awkward breakfast.

"Stop talking shit about me in Spanish... You got something to say to me, then say it." Dean snarled, pushing to stand up from his chair as Carlo leaped up from his spot on the couch, ready to go to blows with Dean.

"Both you morons SHUT UP." Bobby shouted at their childish behavior.

"No shit." hissing in agreement, getting tired of them going back and forth at each other. "Fine Sam... Fine... if someone is going to be at my side as a fake boyfriend/bodyguard or whatever, then it's going to be you big boy."

"WHAT?" Dean and Carlo both roared as they turned their glares of anger toward me, ignoring their stares I shrugged and tipped back my beer, finishing it off.

"I thought... Dean would..." Sam stuttered pointing toward Dean as he watched his brother's features turn from shock to a murderous glare within seconds.

"Nope... we have to pretend to be in love right? Well that will be a whole hell of a lot easier with you" cutting him off, popping my p to drag out the word. "It's going to be me and you or just me... Your pick." smirking at him as he squirmed uncomfortably in his chair, obviously agitated with these choices as Dean glared daggers between us.

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