Broken Bond

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Groaning from the full on throbbing in my head, Dean swiftly opened the door to our room before kicking it shut. Without a single word to me, he headed toward his bed and unceremoniously dropped me on it. The bounce from the drop seemed to magnify the intense throbbing in my head.

"Reall matuuree." Slurring out my words with a snarl, rolling over to try and push myself up into a sitting positon.

"Oh I'm the immature one here... Seriously? You took off into the night going who knows where... with no way to contact or track you since you left your damn phone here. Not including the fact that you are marked by the fucking Incubus." He snapped back, as his gruff voice slowly started to increase in volume.

"I-I... needed air." Grounding out the words slowly, focusing on not slurring them this time around.

"Air." He scoffed down at me as I got myself into somewhat of a sitting position, leaning slightly to balance myself on my left elbow. "It smells like you had more tequila then air." Narrowing his accusing green eyes on me as I raised my right hand up to rub against my pounding forehead.

"Ppleease..., can I sleep?" whimpering as the oncoming hangover was taking over my every thought.

"We're not done with this." He snapped, shrugging off his jacket and tossing it over one of the chairs by the table.

"I can't t-thiink straighht, please." Leaning farther over, losing my battle with gravity at the moment. "C-can we arguee about t-this in the morning." Hanging my head as I slowly started to lose consciousness.

"Fine... but we're finishing this in the morning." He growled, pointing his finger at me with finality.

"Fine." Waving my hand out in defeat as I flopped back on the bed and let the urge to pass out, that I had been struggling to hold back engulf me into its darkness.


Pulsating pounding brought me to back to my awareness around me, I could hear a voice talking. Yet I was having a hard time making out what they were saying with the throbbing ache in my head. I tried to pry my eyes open, at which I was unsuccessful.

Pushing against the nearly unbearable pain in my head I focused on the voice. It didn't take me very long to recognize the husky, gruff tone of Dean as he spoke, having a one sided conversation, until I dawned on me that he must be on his phone.

"Apparently she was drinking at a bar down the street." He snipped with irritation to whomever he was speaking too. "The detective we spoke to early helped her back... yeah it was convenient that he just happened to show up at the same bar she was getting drunk at." He growled, his voice was close by. But I couldn't make out from what direction it was coming from, it felt like my head was underwater.

"I wasn't trying to fight or argue with your sister Carlo... we just ended up having a disagreement and she didn't like what I had to say." Dean groaned, being very vague with my brother it seemed. I could hear the clinking of something being placed on a table, most likely a beer or a bottle of liquor.

"We have a complicated history... I would never let anything happen to her. I will protect her with my own life Carlo, I can promise you that... Alright, alright... put Sam back on the phone."

"Hey Sammie... passed out cold right now... No I'm not going to bring up everything that went down in Texas with her..., she doesn't need all that shit in her head... Well I think I'm going to be the one to make the call on this one. Yep... okay. I'll have her call him in the morning... See ya."

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