Agent Montley and Cruz

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"Your sure you still want to do this?" Dean questioned for probably the tenth time in the last hour.

Closing my eyes I once again asked myself why I didn't protest more when Dean insisted that he was coming with me, when I explained to the guys that I had to come and investigate for myself what happened to Sophia.

Yet I knew the answer, deep down he wanted to pay his respects and find some closure for her as well. I couldn't deny the fact that I wanted, no needed him to be with me when I came to face everything.

Blowing out a deep breath, I ran my hands through my disheveled hair, becoming more and more agitated the closer we got to Wichita, Kansas. The last place we had encountered the Incubus and saved Sophia Greene from him, well gave her an extra six years before he came back to claim her.

"Ren... this isn't your fault." Dean tried to reassure me as guilt washed over me repeatedly in waves.

"It is." finally whispering a response to him since we left San Francisco two days ago.

Snapping his head toward me, probably shocked that I was finally talking to him, Dean stared at me for a brief second before turning his stunned expression back toward the road. Laying my head against the passenger window I stared out at nothing.

"It's all my fault." whimpering just above a whisper.

Dean didn't respond to that or say anything more for that matter and I was thankful for that. I just needed peace and quiet, time to pull myself together so I could get into 'Hunter Mode' and find out what happened to poor Sophia.

I kept my forehead pressed the passenger window, watching the freeway rush passed until I saw that we passed under the sign that read WICHITA exit 42 next ½ mile. Sitting up in the seat I bit my lip in anticipation.

"Who were we here again?" Dean asked gripping the steering wheel of the Impala as he lead us toward the right lane to get ready to exit.

"FBI... Agents Montley and Agent Cruz." replying as I tried to suppress the smile creeping onto my lips. I had let Dean pick our names and that's what he had come up with, his own version of Motley Crue.

"That's right." he chuckled with a smirk as I rolled my eyes and shook my head at him. "Hey it was pretty inventive... and it still makes you smile after all these years." his eyes lit up at the fact that I was actually showing some emotion beyond, guilt and depression.

"I never should have let you pick." breathing out a slight chuckle as Dean let out barking laugh.

Dean drove us through town, quickly finding a motel on the outskirts of town, so we could get dressed into our official 'FBI' clothing.

Quickly we both changed into black slacks, white button up dress shirts with a black jacket, Dean put on a black striped tie as I pulled my hair up into a neat bun, needing to look professional.

We both made sure to put our guns with their holsters under our jackets and tuck our fake badges with Bobby's FBI cards into our jacket pockets.

Sighing as I checked myself out in the bathroom mirror, making sure I looked the part of a Agent, I walked out of the bathroom as Dean leaned against the wall by the front door.

"Ready?" pushing himself off the wall and opening the door as I approached him.

"To face what we have to face... no. But I need to know if this was him or not." replying with a resounded sense of determination to find some peace for Sophia Greene.

We headed straight to the police station first to get any information we could about Sophia's case. Climbing out of the Impala I adjust my gun, double checked that I had my badge and buttoned the top button of my jacket.

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