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"Lorena." Bobby's deep gruff voice caused me to still my hasty retreat just as I reach out to open the Tahoe's door. Sensing that I was probably not going to turn around to face him, he continued. "I'm not going to pretend like I know what's going on between you and Dean... but this more important then the problems that you two seem have with each other." Snapping in a demanding tone.

I shook my head refusing to go back inside, there was no way he would ever really know what was going on? What really happened between Dean and I.

I can't even bring myself to be in the same room as him. I just gave myself the whole pep talk about letting him go and moving on only a few hours ago.

Now here he is, fucking up my day, let alone my life again. Sending me back into a tailspin of damn overwhelming emotions that I really don't want to feel or deal with ever, not ever again.

"What would your dad say about you walking away from a case... One of your cases... A case that you never saw to the end." he growled out, frustrated with me and my attitude.

"Seriously." whipping around on my heels to face him. "That was a low, low blow even for you Singer." hissing out the words through clenched teeth, disgusted and beyond pissed off that he chose to use my Papi to play on my guilt, that a case I didn't finish is coming back to haunt me.

The thing that was really getting under my fucking skin was that it was working, he was right. My Papi would be pissed and extremely disappointed that I was walking away because I was letting my emotions control me, something he always told Carlo and I never to do.

He always told us the only way to survive this life of a Hunter is to harden yourself to the world and all it's human emotions. To just focus on what needs to be done. And me a pathetic girl forgot all of it, for Dean.

"Seriously... you don't have to work the case with them, just answer the questions and be done." he pressed, waving me forward. Huffing out a agitated breathe in anger as I reluctantly headed back toward the house.

"FINE." yelling in frustrating defeat.

Why did I constantly let him guilt trip me into things? It was ridiculous how I always fell for it. How I always let him guilt me into doing things I really didn't want to. Yet I always did, cause deep down he was all Carlo and I had left. The last connection to our Papi, besides each other.

Sliding back into the kitchen, resisting the temptation to stomp my feet like a five year old heading toward a time out. Quickly pulling out a chair from the kitchen table I placed it in the open doorway between the kitchen and living room.

Shrugging off my Papi's jacket and carefully hanging it on the back of the chair before slumping myself into the seat.

Carlo was currently sitting in another kitchen chair, leaning forward going over information with Sam who was back to sitting in his spot on the couch. They both turned to watch me, warily waiting for my next dramatic outburst or action.

I clenched my jaw as I leaned back into the seat and folded my arms across my chest. Glancing around the room, I refused to make direct eye contact with anyone until I spotted Dean leaning against the door frame leading down the hallway.

He was watching me from the corner of his eye, not making direct contact either, his firm bulging arms were folded acrossed his taut chest as he braced his weight onto his left shoulder. Bobby went to the fridge, pulling out a beer for everyone.

"Rena..." Carlo started to talk or apologize, but I held up my hand shaking my index finger at him, letting him know that I didn't want to hear any excuses from him.

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