It Can Still Be Fixed

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"Okay... so when we discovered this Incubus's path of destruction, you already knew that we wouldn't be able to track him without a woman marked by him?" Sam questioned Dean heatedly, glaring toward his brother for not divulging that little bit of vital information.

Carlo and Bobby both shot murderous, accusing glares toward Dean, neither had put that thought together just yet.

"Not necessarily." Dean snapped in fury as the three men glared daggers at him. I squirmed uncomfortably in my seat, feeling somewhat guilty for all of this. It was my fault too, not just Winchester's. "I knew that Ren... excuse me Lorena, had more information about him then I did." snarling as he matched their glares, refusing to back down and be made the bad guy in this fucked up situation.

"Idjit... Why didn't you just tell us then?" Bobby grunted, frustrated as he stocked back toward his fridge, getting himself another beer. I shot him a pleading glance, letting him know I wanted one too, which he handed to me.

"So... she will have to be the bait then?" Carlo questioned, waving his hand toward me as if I wasn't sitting right here listening to them hash out this whole conversation.

"Hello... I'm right here... And yes I am." pissed off that I was being ignored once they pumped the information they needed from me.

"NO! Your not." Dean growled threateningly at me, crossing his bulging arms over his hard chest as he took a defensive stance, ready for the fight he knew I was going to give about it.

Six years later and he still knowns me all too well, I don't know if I should be flattered or annoyed by this bit of information. I chose the latter.

"It's not your decision... now is it Winchester." smirking hoping to annoy him, he narrowed his piercing hazel green eyes at me. I tore my glance away from him, giving my attention back toward the rest of the room.

"This isn't safe Rena... you know that." Carlo pressed, hating that I was once again putting myself in danger to bait out yet another mystical, definitely demonic creature.

But I already knew he wouldn't fight me on it, he never did. Because unfortunately for my brother, he already knew I would do it whether he approved or not. I would much rather my life be in danger then anyone else.

"We don't have any other option." shrugging my shoulders nonchalantly, trying to play off that I wasn't concerned about being safe, that I could handle this. Yet in truth I was completely terrified, this particular Incubus scared me beyond reason.

"Actually." Dean jumped in, casting a wary guilty look at me. I snapped my head toward him staring daggers at him, he better not even suggest it.

"DEAN." Snapping at him in warning, threatening him with my eyes to keep his big mouth shut. He turned from my piercing gaze and turned his attention back to the others in the room, who were staring between at our heated exchange.

"What now?" Sam questioned irritated that we were still holding back information.

I brought my hand to cover my mouth, shaking my head as I stared down at the ground, refusing to give up anymore information. I won't be the one to put her in danger.

Poor Sophia Greene had been through enough, she was lucky that Dean and I found her when we did, before the Incubus had finished draining the life from her.

I wasn't going to track her down, mess up the whole new life she had built for herself and ask to put herself back in danger to track down the creature that nearly killed her. Seeing that I was clamming up they turned their attention to Dean expectantly.

"There is another girl." Dean grounded out, pausing to glance at me out of the corner of his eye, scowling I shook my head refusing to play any apart of dragging an innocent person into this. This was our fuck up, our mess to clean up, not hers. "She was the last victim from our case with the Incubus... we managed to save her before he completely drained her." his voice sounded contrite and hollow.

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