Chapter 25

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This is it!! The BIG date!!!

Love Mama Marshmallow xox


Eleanor, Danielle and I went to forever 21. We went into the dress section, and we picked a few dresses. I tried a few on. Though they were pretty, they weren’t the one for me. Then I tried on a lovely floral dress with pink, aqua, blue and white, which was to my mid thighs and had spaghetti straps.

“OMG, Brookie, that dress suits your lovely tan skin!” El said.

“OMG, look at these pink Greek sandals!” Dani said.

“We have to get them!” They said together. We paid and left, we went to Harry and Zayn’s room. It was 6.15.

“Where are your makeup, hair dryer and hair straightener?” El asked.

“In 1609, its Nialls, Mikey and my room.” I said, handing her the room key.

“Be right back!” she said, hurrying away.

“Take a shower while El’s gone!” Dani said.

I took a 15 minute shower, which was quick for me. I dried myself off and stepped into my blue matching underwear. I put on a bathrobe and walked into the main room. El and Dani were talking.

“Alright let’s do this!” they said together, then giggled.

I groaned. “You planned that didn’t you?”

They nodded, and put me in a chair, facing away from the mirror. They dried my hair and  straightened it. They pinned my bangs back. When it was straight, you could easily see my natural honey blonde high lights. Then they did my makeup. By my makeup pallet, it was in natural brown and golds, and black winged eyeliner and mascara, with a pink lip. At 6.50, they were finished.

“Alright put the dress on.” El ordered. I slipped the robe off and stepped in to the dress, Dani zipped it up. I put my sandals on and stood up.

“You look lovely.” They said. I looked into the mirror. I smiled. My hair was just past my waist when it was straightened.

“Time for a haircut?” I suggest.

“No!” they shriek in unison. I giggle at their priceless reactions.

“Thanks for your help girls.” I grabbed my phone, and put my credit card into the case.

I texted Niall.

Are you ready? Xx :)- Brookie<3

Sure love, I’m outside, but stop off outside our bedroom first xx ;) –Nialler<3

Sure…. Xx ;)- Brookie<3

“Alright, we have to go to my room.” I said.

“Alright, let’s go.” Dani said.

We went to my bedroom.

“Hey Brooke, wow you look beautiful!” Zayn said.

“Thanks, so what am I here for?” I asked.

“You have a secret admirer!” Louis said spookily.

“Uh, Louis, that’s creepy.” I said with a giggle.

He grinned.  “Well Niall wanted us to give you these, but I guess you keep them here for now.” He was holding a gorgeous bouquet of flowers.

“Aw!” us girls said in unison.

I took them. “I can’t believe he still remembers my favourite flowers.” I whispered. It was a beautiful mix of gardenias, lilies and white roses. All white flowers. It was wrapped in blue paper, matching his beautiful eyes. “Well thank you. Can you put them in some water?” I asked Dani. She nodded.

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