Chapter 24

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Here it is! Triple Update today!

Love Mama Marshmallow xox


There is a week until April Fool’s day, and I can’t wait, I love playing pranks on the lads. And something was going on with Niall, he kept blushing and he was always nervous. The lads knew what was wrong but nobody wanted to tell me. They just kept smirking, and telling me to ‘wait and see’.

The nine lads and I were spending the day in the pool. I was wearing my green bandeau 2 piece swim suit. It looked lovely with my chocolate brown coloured hair and olive skin.

I was in the pool swimming by Liam, and I winked at him and pointed at Louis, and he smirked playfully.

I snuck up behind him, and I splashed Louis.

“Oh it’s on!” he splashed me. it turned to a splash fight. I climbed onto Harry’s back.

“Chicken fight!” Louis yelled. He climbed onto Liam’s back. Louis and I were wrestling. Until I knock Louis into the water.

“Yeah!” I yelled. I high fived Harry.

“Hey Brooke, you have dimples in your back!” Zayn said.

“I know, and I hate them. I have dimples in my cheeks and in my back. Who else has dimples in their back?” I asked.

“I don’t know. But its adorable. You’re adorable.” Harry said.

Someone pulled me off Harry’s back. I shrieked. I turned around, and saw Niall grinning cheekily.

“Why you little-“ I was cut off by getting splashed. I gasped. I dunked water on his hair.

I laughed and swam to the side and climbed out. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around me and sat in the sun.

Niall came and sat by me.  “Hi beautiful.” he said.

“HI gorgeous.” I said. I took his sunglasses and put them on.

He took a deep breath. “Brooke, will you go on a date with me?” he asked hopefully. His gorgeous blue eyes sparkled.

I grinned. I nodded, and kissed his cheek. He grinned. Wolf whistles erupted in the air, and I blushed furiously. I covered my face in his shoulder, and I could feel him grinning, as he held me close.

That’s what had him so nervous, and shaky before! I smiled, knowing my feelings for him were being returned.


El and Dani were coming over to help me shop for a dress for the date. I was so excited. I hadn’t told them what the random shopping trip was for though, I want it to be a surprise. I’m sure Dani’s reaction will be entertaining to watch.

Two gorgeously tall women barged into the room, with their handbags out and they looked ridiculously eager for something.

They each gave me hugs. “Alright why do we need to go shopping, not that I have anything against it or anything?” Dani asked curiously.

“Brooke, your lover has something to tell you!” Mikey bellowed, coming out of our bedroom.

“Lover?” El confusedly.

“Yeah Niall and Brooke are going on a date,  when?” Harry asked, also walking out of the bedroom.

“Um, Cookie, if you don’t mind, tonight, at 7?” Niall asked me, walking next to Harry.

I grinned and nodded. Niall grinned.

Screams erupted from the girls and I covered my ears. They started squealing and bouncing on the spot, like little fan girls.

“Hashtag Niallee!” They said simultaneously, leaving poor Nialler looking confused, but grinning enormously.

“I told you, I told you!” El sung.

“Little blue eyed, curly haired children.” Dani sung also, and I groaned, and Niall laughed.

“Yeah, I was thinking 5 girls and 5 boys, yeah?” he smirked and kissed my cheek. My mouth fell open in shock. Everyone snickered at me.

“No, it’s one boy, then twins- boy and girl-, and then a baby girl.” I poke my tongue out. Niall grins widely, and I smack him softly on the arm, causing the girls to giggle.

“OMG, it’s 5.00 now. Girls we’re going shopping!” Dani said.

“Good idea.” I said. I grabbed my bag.

“It’s casual, but wear a dress, yeah?” Niall said, giving me a tight squeeze.

I nodded. “Bye boys!”


Who else screamed? They're going on a date, finally!


Love Mama Marshmallow xox

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