Telling friends.

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Blue woke up before everyone else. Fighting the urge to wake everyone up in a hilarious way, he silently slipped out of his sleeping bag and quietly bolted to Ink's library. Once inside he started brainstorming ideas to get Ink to confess to Error, completely unaware that that had already happened. He got a piece of paper out and began to plan.

He supposed that he could do what he did with Geno and Reaper. Him and Dream had locked them in a closet with each other. Geno was too weak to teleport and Reaper was perfectly fine with being locked in a closet with Geno. However there were a lot of problems with re-using this idea. For one Ink could teleport, another that Error probably wouldn't like being locked in a small space and lastly Ink was quite fast when he wanted to be, and Blue doubted that him and Dream would even be able to lock Ink in the closet in the first place.

Blue sighed, giving up on that plan and focusing on coming up with a new one. However before he could Ink walked into the room. 

"Oh, hi Ink!" Blue Greeted Ink while hiding the paper he had been writing on.

"Don't bother hiding the paper Blue, I already know what you're doing." Ink said after a sigh.

"Well, it's only because me and Dream want you to be happy! We know you were worried about never being able to love someone!" Blue argued.

"I know." Replied Ink, "But I've already confessed to Error."

"Wait, really!? When!?" Blue was shocked, had Ink actually confessed without being forced to?

"I confessed in the middle of the night. I couldn't sleep so I went to my art studio and Error woke up and found me there." Ink explained.

"Really! What did he say!" Asked Blue, jumping up and down.

"He said maybe." Said Ink, shrugging.

"MAYBE!?" Blue yelled in shock.

Dream entered at that moment. "Hey guys, what's going on?"

Ink explained everything about last night to Blue and Dream. After he finished Dream spoke again, "Well I know for certain he likes you back! Just give him time and soon he'll realise he's in love with you!"

Blue frowned. "Couldn't we-"

"No Blue." Dream cut in. "We're not rushing Error for the sake of him and Ink getting together faster. Love takes time!"

Blue sighed. "It was just an idea." He murmured under his breath.

Dream ignored blue and turned to Ink. "Well Ink, the only I ask is that you keep us up to date with any advances. You will do that, won't you?"

"Of course!" Replied Ink. "I couldn't imagine not telling you guys!"

Author's note.

So, I bet you're wondering why I'm updating in the middle of the week, well...

Yesterday I had my braces put in and it hurts like hell to eat so I stayed home today!

Which mean I get to write when I'm not rolling on the floor wanting to tear my teeth out.

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