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I have no idea what I'm doing with this book.

I tried to come up with an idea of where the plot could go but its just spiralled out of control and its a mess.

So I might take a little break.

I will still be posting, but other books that I've been wanting to work on, at least until I know where I'm actually going to take this thing. 

What's likely to happen is I re-write this entire book to make the plot make sense, because I didn't have a plot at all in the beginning, which makes it difficult not to contradict things I laid out in the earlier chapters, like how Ink makes worlds and why Error destroys in the first place (and the whole point of the fight thing with Nightmare, looking back on that it made no sense at all and just kinda happened because things have to happen in a story),(Not to mention the Sans party thing, which was once a thing),(And the mention of Geno and Reaper dating yet 29 parts in and they're no where to be seen),(And the whole wanting to add Dream x Blue in but being terrified of people hating me for it). If I do re-write this story, I will make another book for it though, so don't worry about this story disappearing! 

I might even still update this sometimes, who knows!

And there's also the little problem that I'm not really a big Errink shipper anymore... I still ship it (I'll ship anything really) but just not as much as I did when I started to write this. I've definitely shifted my shipping focus onto Nightmare ships because I find his character so interesting. So expect weird Nightmare ships coming in future books!

I'm going to go delete the god-awful chapter I tried to write for this book before this one, then go work on actually posting something. Bye!

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