Bath time

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Ink ran quickly up the stairs, and Error scrambled to catch up with him. When they arrived at the top of the staircase, Error noticed that there was a hallway straight ahead as well as the one that overlooked the main room to his right. But Ink hadn't gone that way so Error turned to the balcony hallway. Just in time to see Ink run into a door.

"Ow..." Ink murmured rubbing his face with a hand that now held a pencil. In his other hand he had picked up a sketchbook, and it had a few quick scribbles of a design on it. When Ink realized that Error had just seen him run into a door, his cheeks lit up and he scrambled to open the bathroom door; tearing his concentration from the sketch for now.

Error stood completely still at the top of the staircase. The way Ink looked when he blushed... And he managed to run into a door. Even I know how doors work. Error burst out laughing, he couldn't help it. Seeing the creator with a completely shocked expression was hilarious, and the way Error's soul had jumped. It had never done that before. Maybe it's something that happens when your friends make you laugh. That thought made Error's soul feel fuzzy. After a few more moments of laughing Error calmed down and went through the door Ink had went into.

Ink had pulled his scarf over most of his face and was internally screaming. He couldn't believe that he had just done that in front of who was now his roommate. He had heard Error's laughter and wanted to go out there and yell at him, but that would just make everything worse, and he really didn't want to keep fighting Error. He might not like Error, but he disliked fighting anyone even more. It will all be worth it in the end. Ink had sighed and calmed down. At least Error woun't run his mouth about it like Swap or Dream would. Ink could see in Error's eyes that being alone all that time had broken him, and Ink could tell Error was trying just as hard as he was. Error wouldn't ruin it by spreading rumors.

When Error had entered the bathroom, Ink had already set everything up for Error. "You know how to wash right?" The thought suddenly occured to Ink, a few plans of how he could teach Error shot into his head, he could stand outside the door and yell instructions. Though it would probably be easier if he was in the room... Ink's cheeks grew hot at the thought.

"Yeah, 'course I do." Error said as he began to fill the tub. Relief flooded into Ink, but a hint of unwanted sadness was there too.

"Cool! Well I'll have your pajamas ready for when you're out, I'll hang them on the other side of the bathroom door so you can reach them!" Ink quickly left the bathroom, sketch pad and pencil in hand to sketch some pajamas for Error, trying not to think about Error in the bath. Ink didn't even know why he was thinking that and had no clue why it made him feel strange. Maybe I should talk to Dream about it...

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