Something's Bothering You...

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Ink greeted Blue and Dream at the door, and quickly said goodbye to Error before leaving, pushing Error's query out of his mind. Afterall, he had work to do. Error wasn't as lucky though, he couldn't stop thinking about it, even as him, Blue, and Dream played videogames. Blue and Dream shared looks, both feeling that something was bothering Error, but not knowing if he would want to talk about it. Eventually Dream piped up.

"Is something bothering you Error?" Dream asked, pausing the game.

Error tensed as both Dream and Blue looked at him, concerned. "Not really." Error replied, trying to blow them off.

Dream wasn't having any of it. "You can tell us, we're your friends, we'll help."

Error stared at the ground. "I doubt you'd be able to help..."

"Well we could still try!" Blue chimed in cheerily.

Error gave a strained smile. "There's no need to worry, I've already told Ink, so he's going to help me."

"But if you tell us, more people can help!" Blue argued.

"I know, but it's not important anyway." Error replied, shaking his head.

"But it's important to you." Dream replied, his concern growing. But despite their efforts, they couldn't get Error to talk. So they just went back to playing, although Dream was most definitely going to talk to Ink when he came back.

Sorry for the short chapter.

My laptop's internet died, so I tried to write this on my phone which didn't go too well.

BUT I got a new laptop for Christmas so it's all good now!

So I'll be posting a longer chapter when I have the time.

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