Day jobs.

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Ink woke up bright and early from the sound of his alarm. He got dressed then went downstairs to make pancakes for himself, rubbing his tired eyes. As he was finishing his second pancake, a ruffled looking Error came down the stairs, wearing his normal clothes. After Ink showed Error how to use utensils, Ink and Error stayed in silence. Once Error had finished eating a single pancake he disappeared into the anti-void, leaving Ink all alone. Ink simply dumped the washing up in the sink and headed to Dream's house, avoiding thinking about what Error was probably out doing. 

Dream's house was in the same world as Ink's house was, a 10 minute walk through the forest away. Ink could of teleported there, but he decided he needed the time to think over what he would say. I've brought a murderer into my house in hopes he'll stop killing, but that's still a work in progress. His friend (or friends if Blue was there) would probably think he was crazy.

By the time Ink made it to the wooden cottage near a stream that he had given to Dream, his friend was standing outside, awaiting his arrival.

"Ink!" Dream practically jumped onto Ink when he saw his friend. "You're not dead!"

"Of course I'm not dead!" Ink replied.

"Well you've got to understand I was concerned when you texted me 'trying to befriend error, tell you more tomorrow' when Error has been attempting to dust you for years!" Ink pulled Dream into a hug to comfort his friend.

"I know, but don't you trust me not to be stupid?"

"No, Ink. I don't trust you not to be stupid." Ink pulled out of the hug and looked at Dream's annoyed face in confusion.

"Why not?"

"Because of everything you did last time you got drunk."

"HEY!" Ink pummeled Dream as he laughed. "You said you wouldn't bring that up again!"

"I never promised though!" Laughed Dream as he tried to avoid Ink's fists.

After a while of Ink chasing Dream around the meadow and around the stream, both friends ended up collapsing in the shade, out of breath from running and laughing. 

"So," started Dream after they had both gotten their breath back, "care to tell me the agreement with Error?"

"As long as Error doesn't try to kill me, he can do what he want. At least for now."

Dream slowly nodded his head. "That's about what I expected... But is Error?.."

"I told him he was still allowed to destroy, so for whatever reason he has for doing it, he is probably out killing people." Ink stared at the ground as he said this, gently pulling on the grass. 

"Ink..." Dream placed a comforting hand on Ink's shoulder. "That's good enough for now, right? We can work on it, can't we?"

"y-yeah..." Ink leaned against Dreams side "It's just... how many people are going to be hurt before we reach the point that he stops? It would be quicker to just..."

"Ink. Stop it." Dream's sudden words made Ink jump up in shock. Dream gripped both of Ink's shoulders and stared him in the eyes. "Doing that could save lives, but at the sake of your sanity. Do you think you would be able to live with the knowledge of how you betrayed someone? How you stabbed them in the back while they were sleeping in your house? It's different then defeating your enemy in battle." Dream brought Ink into a hug.

Ink and Dream sat hugging for a while, until Dream spoke again.

"So, should we go inside? I have cookies!"  With a laugh Ink nodded his head, and went inside with Dream before he had to head out and do his job.


After eating a single pancake, Error created a portal to the anti-void. The place Error had been calling home for years felt empty and cold compared to Ink's house, but Error didn't care. Ink said he could still destroy, so that's what he was going to do. Creating a portal to an ambomination, Error began the process of killing everyone.

By the time Error had finished, any doubts he had had were gone, replaced with a hunger for more destruction, and they were edging him on.
See, isn't it nice to be destroying again?
You don't need friendship to be happy, you only need this.

But as Error gloated in the anti-void, a feeling he couldn't identify set into his soul. It made him feel heavy. He pushed it aside for now and set off to destroy some more, and everything went fine until him and Ink met up in a nearly destroyed Storyshift. 

They were in the judgment hall, just after storyshift Chara had been killed by Error. They stared at each other from opposite ends of the hall, a heavy silence covering the place. They stood saying nothing for quite a while, until Ink eventually spoke up.

"Hi Error..."

"Hi Ink."

More silence filled the room.

"Umm... I'm gonna go now... See you later?" Ink painted a portal on the floor, ready to leave.

"Y-yeah... See you later Ink..." Ink jumped in the portal, leaving Error alone.

The heavy feeling Error felt earlier came back, but this time Error couldn't push it away. He destroyed the world, but as he sat in the anti-void afterwards, he wished he didn't. He sighed and lay on the floor of the anti-void, hands over his eyes, trying to block everything out. But they just wouldn't stop talking.
Why are you just lying on the floor? You have things to destroy.
You never cared what he thought before, why is it any different now?
Get up you lazy fuck.

"Shut up!" Error yelled into the silence of the anti-void.
Why should we listen to you?
How rude.
Maybe you should shut up!
Aww, the lazy shit thinks we'll listen to him.

Error growled in fustration. "Go away!"
No, I think I'll stay.
Haha! He thinks we'll leave.
Sorry, but we're here to stay.
Get off your lazy ass and maybe we won't bug you.

Error screamed, a glitching, pitch shifting mess. "YOU'RE NOT REAL! YOU'RE JUST IN MY HEAD! SO LEAVE!"

Error's yelling was met with a sharp pain throughout his body as they all yelled as loud as they could. Everything faded to black as Error lost consciousness.

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