The End of the Sleepover

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Error woke up to see that he was alone in Ink's living room. The sleeping bags that had once been occupied now lay empty on the floor. Sunlight shone through the edges of the curtains, and Error could hear the muffled sound of voices talking and laughing.

Error unzipped his sleeping bag, got up and stretched. He rubbed his eyes then felt around on the table the TV was on to find his glasses. He eventually did, and tied them tightly to his skull before going to find out where the others had gone to.

His search led him to the library, and when he opened the door he saw Ink, Dream and Blue chatting inside. 

"Hiya Error!" Blue yelled as he waved his arm excessively, nearly hitting Dream in the face.

"Careful!" Dream laughed after dodging Blue's swinging arm.

"Did you sleep alright?" Ink asked while motioning for Error to sit on a free chair.

"Yeah." Error replied sitting down.

Ink was about to speak again but he was interrupted by Blue.

"WAIT! Now that Error's up we can start breakfast!" Blue jumped up, pulling Dream up at the same time. "C'mon Dream lets go make pancakes!" Blue ran out of the room, pulling Dream behind him.

Ink and Error were too shocked to speak for a second, until Error found his voice and said, "Did you see Dream's face as Blue pulled him away?"

Ink and Error burst out laughing. It lasted for a little while before dying down, leaving them in a silence.

Ink sighed. "We should go follow them or Blue will burn down the kitchen."

"Ok, lets go then." Replied Error, getting up and heading to the door. Ink followed him out.

In the kitchen Blue was carrying a frying pan to the stove top and Dream was mixing some ingredients into a bowl.

"You're finally here!" Said Blue. "C'mon help us make pancakes!" 

Ink walked over and took the frying pan off of Blue. Blue went back to a cupboard and grabbed another frying pan, which he placed next to Dream. Error watched what they were doing uncertain about how he should help. 

"Should I help?" Error asked.

"There's nothing really for you to do..." Said Dream. "But me and Ink can show you how to cook the pancakes and you could have a go if you want to."

"Ok..." Error watched and listened as Ink and Dream went through how to cook pancakes. Error paid close attention, and when it was his turn he followed the steps they had told him with Ink standing beside him, repeating the instructions. Error had a bit of difficulty flipping the pancake, but other than that it was a good first try.

"Much better than Blue's first try." Said Dream.

Ink laughed. "Blue managed to set the pancake on fire, I think anything is better than that!"

Blue huffed. "It makes no sense!" He complained. "I followed the instructions perfectly!"

"You just have a talent for burning things, Blue." Replied Dream. "I doubt there's anything you can't burn."

Blue threw a dish cloth at Dream, who dodged it and laughed.

Pretty soon a plate was piled with homemade pancakes, and this was taken to the table with a bunch of different toppings. Everyone took a pancake and tucked in. While they ate Blue told a story of what happened when he tried to make pancakes for his brother on his birthday.

After eating they wondered about what they should do next.

The sound of a phone ringing broke through the thoughtful silence. It was Blue's phone, and he answered it with "Hi Papy! What's up?"

Swap Papyrus said something to Blue that made him frown. "Today? But I'm busy!" Swap Papyrus said something said something else and Blue sighed. "Ok... I'll be there in a minute." Blue hung up and turned to the group. "The human has entered Snowdin, so I gotta go."

Everyone was upset, but Blue still had to leave. They said goodbye to him and he teleported back to his world. 

After he left, Dream spoke. "Well even without Blue the sleepover won't end!" Dream paused for a moment. "Maybe we could bake something?"

"That's a great idea!" Said Ink jumping out of his chair and running to the kitchen. "Lets make a cake! No, cookies! Or both!"

By the time lunch rolled around, Dream, Ink and Error had made a big dual layer cake and quite a lot of cookies. They ate some cake and some cookies for lunch, then the sleepover was over. Dream packed up some cookies and a chunk of cake, before saying goodbye to Ink and Error.

Ink and Error were left alone in the house, which now seemed much bigger and emptier.

Author's note.


This is two days late...

I'm so sorry about that! I made like 2 other drafts of this chapter but none of them were good and I was really busy too! I promise that I'll get at least 2 chapters out at the weekend though!

See you then!

(Also, this book has over 500 reads now, and I want to do something special for you readers but I don't know what, so leave any suggestions here!)

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