Ink's house.

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The portal was nothing like Error's portals, which created windows to different worlds. Ink's portals sent you through a tube of spinning and swirling colours, and by the time Error had been pushed onto some soft grass his head was spinning and he felt sick. Error almost immediately fell forward onto his knees, holding the sides of his head to try to stop the unfocused world around him from spinning. That's how Ink found his new friend.

"Are you okay Error?" Ink asked, concern lacing his voice.

"Mmhmm, peachy..." Error replied while trying not to throw up on Ink's garden.

"S-sorry... My portals are a bit disorienting for the first few times you use them..." Ink rubbed his hands together to avoid touching Error. The urge to place a comforting hand on the bent over glitch was almost overwhelming, but touching Error would probably just make him glitch out or throw up.

"Yeah, a bit." Error mumbled while he rummaged around for something in his pocket, after a few seconds he pulled out a pair of red rimmed glasses with blue strings attached to each arm. He placed the glasses over his eyes then tied the blue strings together tightly. Now that he could actually see the world stopped spinning quite quickly, and Error was able to get up.

Ink had watched in curiosity while Error had put on his glasses, and he only understood that Error needed them to see when Error got up. The idea of the destroyer needing glasses almost made Ink chuckle, but he stopped himself and turned it a cough. Error would probably just storm off if I laughed at him...

"Alright then, Lets go inside!" Ink said while strolling towards his house after Error had gotten up and dusted the bits of dirt off his legs. Error was too busy looking at his surrounding to hear Ink though. Error stood in a small meadow surrounded by a thick forest. On either side of the path that lead from where him and Ink had arrived to Ink's house, there were flowers of all shapes and sizes in almost every colour. The house Ink was walking towards looked like a large cottage, and had red brick walls, a thatched roof, and vines winding around the many windows and the door. Hanging from various places were circular baskets full of small vibrant flowers of various colours and even a few which held well growing strawberry plants with plenty of strawberries ready to harvest. Ink suddenly turned around when he was half way to the house and motioned for Error to follow him. Error practically stumbled after Ink from trying to take in every detail of his surroundings, and even noted the planter of lavender near the front door. One of the only surface plants Error had seen before. Error wondered if this is what it was like on the surface of the universes. It's almost as pretty as the stars in Outertale.

Ink opened his front door (there was no need to lock it) and stepped inside his house, Error tearing his gaze from the flowers to follow him in. "Welcome to my house!"

Error was once again amazed. The main room was incredibly open, and included what you would find in a living room, dining room and Kitchen. Over to the left were stairs leading to the second floor corridor, which was really just a balcony that overlooked the main room. Paintings of nature hung on the walls, and photos of Ink and two other childlike looking Sans' were held in picture frames placed on the shelves of a bookcase that seemed to mostly hold nik naks rather than books. Everything in the room had light colours, which gave it a strong calming effect. Error didn't currently notice, but nothing in the room was white; everything had at least a little colour.

Ink went to make Error a sandwich incase he was hungry, while Error slowly walked around the room, taking it all in. Error first walked to the wood bookcase which was a very light brown, studying the pictures on there. He recognised Swap Sans now that he was closer, but had no clue who the other skeleton was, though he felt like he had seen them somewhere before. Mentally shrugging that off, he reached for one of the books on the bookcase and read the cover, 'photo album'. Error put the book back and concluded either Ink didn't like reading or he had a study or library where he kept books. Error continued round the room. The TV had two sofas around it which were both baby blue with light green blankets thrown over the back. Curious about how good the sofas were, Error plonked himself down on one. It was probably the most comfortable thing Error had ever sat on, and the sofa covering was incredibly soft against his bones. He decided he liked it here, and the faded colours didn't give him a headache.

Error was about to lean back into the sofa, when it suddenly occurred to him that he hadn't washed his clothes in what could be years (time didn't really pass in the anti-void). He jumped off the sofa, and was glad to see that he hadn't visibly dirtied it. He usually didn't care about making a mess, but if him and Ink were to be friends Error knew he would have to think about what he was doing. And he doubted that Ink would appreciate Error ruining his sofa.

Suddenly Ink beckoned him over to the kitchen area.

"What is it?" Error bluntly asked while walking over to where Ink was.

"I made you a sandwich!" Ink said passing a plate with a ham, cheese, lettuce and ketchup sandwich on. Error stared at the sandwich for a moment, before glancing up at Ink, and seeing how he ate this 'sandwich'.

Certain he knew how to do it, Error sat down on one of the chairs next to the dining table and picked up one half of the sandwich, then held it in both hands to take a bite out of it. It tasted nice, and Error decided he liked sandwiches.

When Error had finished his sandwich, Ink spoke. "Aren't you going to say 'thank you'?"

"Why would I do that?"

"It's polite to." Ink sounded hurt.

"Oh... Then thank you Ink for the sandwich thing. It was nice." Error blushed slightly with embarrassment. It hadn't been an hour since he became Ink's friend and he had already messed up. He was trying as hard as he could with this 'friend' thing, scared to be left alone in the anti-void again.

"You're welcome Error!" Ink instantly became happy again after Error said 'thank you', guessing Error didn't understand manners. Ink decided he would probably need to explain those before Error tried talking with anyone else. Especially Swap who was very uptight about saying 'please' and 'thank you'.

"Do you have a place here I can clean my clothes Ink?" Error asked after an awkward moment of silence.

"Yeah I do! I could even make you some new clothes if you want me to! I suppose you'll need pajamas anyway..." Ink lapsed into a moment of thought as Error stared at Ink waiting for him to carry on. "Anyway," Ink suddenly snapped out of his thoughts with a loud and sharp word, nearly making Error jump "lets get you clean first! Follow me!" Ink got up from his chair and practically bounded to the stairs Error saw earlier. Error quickly got up to follow him.

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