The Date

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Last chapter.

Takes place a while after the last chapter.

Error sat on a sofa in the living room, deep in thought. Ink was still out, but Dream had visited Error earlier, though he had to leave before Ink came back. This wasn't however what Error was thinking about.

During his visit Dream had told Error about special things couples did together called 'dates'. The idea of a date intrigued Error, dressing up nice and going somewhere nice with a special someone. A simple thing, yet from what Dream said it was something every couple did at some point. 

At that moment the front door flew open. "I'm back!" Ink yelled, running into the living room before launching himself at Error. 

That definitely snapped Error out of his thoughts, as he yelped from the sudden hug. Ink only giggled before sitting up.

"So glitchy get up to anything interesting today?" Ink asked, cuddled into Error's side.

"Uhh... Not really." Error admitted. "But I think we're going to get up to something interesting this evening."

"What do you mean?" Ink looked very confused, but his cheeks were also lit by blush.

"I am going to take you on a date!" Error announced, blushing slightly.

"Oh!" Ink blushed even more. "That sounds really nice Error!" 

Error nodded. "Yeah, though the only place I thought to take you is Outertale, and I don't have any nice clothes..."

Ink smiled kindly. "That's fine. The important part of a date is that we are together." Ink pulled away from Error and held out a hand. "Care to take me then glitchy?"

Error nodded and stood up before pulling Ink to his feet and gently kissing his cheek. He opened a portal to one of the uninhabited islands of Outertale and gently pulled Ink through. I really hope he likes the surprise.

Outertale was for most people the prettiest AU. Even Nightmare could appreciate the beauty of the sky there, littered with stars and swirled with blues and purples, a peaceful silence encapsulating the whole AU. You could sit there for hours just staring at the sky, lost in your own thoughts. Or even sit at the edge with an enemy, simply because this world wasn't one you would fight in. 

Now was no different. The sky as beautiful as ever, with only the gentle sounds of nature from the small floating island. though there was now an old blanket placed down on the ground, part of it draping over the edge. On the blanket there was a small wicker picnic basket that had some (Slightly burned) homemade cookies inside, as well as two water bottles (because Error didn't even know what 'wine' was), and various other 'snack foods'. Basically Error had raided Ink's cupboards and grabbed a few things that looked good.

Ink's eyes shone at the makeshift picnic. He did all this for me? Error gently pulled him over to the picnic and they sat down, legs dangling over the edge. Error began to take stuff out of the basket while Ink watched.

"This is really sweet of you Error..." Ink said while smiling at the things Error took out, which were mostly sweets.

"Well I wanted to do something special, we have been dating a month now." Error smiled back at Ink.

"Oh gosh! Has it really already been a month?" Ink asked.

Error nodded. "Yep."

"Wow, time really flies doesn't it?" Ink said looking out to the sky.

"Yeah it does." Error gently placed his hand over Inks, interlocking their fingers.

They sat in silence for a while, just enjoying each other's company. It felt suprisingly nice despite the fact they were sitting in silence. Peaceful, unbroken silence. Until Error opened the box with the homemade cookies (still slightly burned) in and offered one to Ink.

"Did you make these?" Ink asked, picking one up and  taking a bite.

"Yeah." Error took a cookie too.

"They're not that bad really." Ink said, taking another bite. "A bit crispy."

Error laughed. "I got some help from Blue." he admitted.

Ink laughed too. "I'm suprised they're not a lot more crisp then!"

"Why is Blue so good at burning things anyway?" Error asked.

Ink just shrugged. "I don't know. I'm not even sure he doesn't do it on purpose."

Ink and Error continued eating and chatting while staring at the sky. Soon they put the food away and moved to sit right next to each other, their hands tightly held together.

Ink shivered as the air started to get colder. Error noticed this and hugged him from behind, resting his skull on Ink's shoulder. Ink melted into the hug, purring.

They stayed like that until it got too cold and went home.

The End.

It is done!

The final chapter to this book!

If you want more Sanscest, I've made a new book for random sanscest stuff and stories where I'll be writing more stories. There's currently (as of writing this) only afterdeath in the book but I will take requests, so if you want more Errink just ask for it! (Though I do already have some planned).

See ya!

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