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"I barely got him to tell me! I don't think he'll like it if I go telling other people his personal problems!" 

Dream sighed. He had kept to his plan and cornered Ink about the problem with Error as soon as he could, though the creator was proving to be about as stubborn as Error had been.

"I just want to help him!" Dream argued. "Don't you trust me with doing that?"

"I do! It's just... It's a confusing problem, alright? Just let me talk to him about it more first, if he agrees I can tell you about it later." Ink said, half whispering so that only Dream could hear him.

"If you trust me, then tell me!" 

It was now Ink's turn to sigh. "I don't know the best thing to do when Error has a problem, so just let me figure things out before getting you involved, okay? I promise that I trust you, just give me some time."

Ink walked away as soon as he finished speaking, a clear indication to Dream that Ink was finished talking about it. Dream was still concerned, but pushed it away for now. At least Error hadn't been lying about telling Ink about his problem. For now, he decided, the best thing that he could do is be sure that Error is happy. Ignoring the split second flashback to when he had decided to do that for another person, then completely failed in every regard, he walked to the kitchen where Blue was attempting to make some food for them all. At least it doesn't smell like anything's burning, yet.


They chatted as they ate their lunch, none of it burnt due to Error watching over it like a hawk while Blue went around the kitchen looking for... something. Ink had to leave again afterwards, but promised it wouldn't be that long until he could return and stay for at least a whole day. Somehow the topic of puppets came up in the chat they had had, so now Error was showing Dream and Blue how he turned pieces of (usually scrap) material into puppets that looked eerily similar to the being they resembled. 

"It looks like it's alive." Blue said, studying the puppet replica of himself that Error had just made.

"Probably because Error uses his strings to stitch them together." Dream said, resting his head on Blue's shoulder to look at the puppet. "The magic from the strings probably tricks you into thinking it's alive."

"You think so?!" Error asked. "I just thought it was the material I used or something"

Dream moved off of Blue's shoulder and nodded. "The magic from the strings probably fades as soon as you detach them from your hands, but with lots of string holding it together there's probably enough magic to create the illusion."

"Illusion?" Blue asked.

"Yep! It's not really alive, but it looks like it is, so it's an illusion."

Error carefully took the puppet back from Blue, studying it just like Blue had done. "I don't see it, it doesn't look alive to me." Turning to Dream he asked. "Can you see it?"

Dream nodded. "I can, but it makes sense that you can't, it is your magic after all. You probably recognise that."

"Oh." Error said, placing the puppet on the ground before looking back up at Blue and Dream. "Do either of you want to keep it?"

Blue swiped it up before Dream could even respond. "The magnificent sans will take care of his miniature replica!" He giggled "I doubt anyone in my world will even question it!" 

Dream laughed. "Probably because you're so strange already."

Blue stuck his tongue out at Dream, and in less than two minutes they were whacking each other with pillows, Error confused at how the pillow fight had broken out so quickly.

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