Meeting new people.

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Error sat in his anti-void making a puppet of Ink, his glasses tightly tied to his head. He had just destroyed a Flowerfell, but couldn't be bothered to destroy any more. So he sat under the sea of blue strings, ignoring the voices, as he stitched and cut to create the puppet. The puppet of his friend.

He liked thinking of Ink as his friend, it made him feel tingly and happy. He couldn't remember the last time he felt happy before him and Ink made a truce, destroying only gave him power. He was quickly realizing that there was more to life than power, and that giving up happiness to obtain power was never a good idea. It made him question if he should even keep destroying, but the voices would get mad if he did that. If only he could get rid of them.

His thoughts went back to the hug Ink gave him that morning. The feeling of Ink's arms around him felt as strange as when anyone touched him, but there was also a tingly warmth that had spread from his soul. Another thing was that for the brief moment they were hugging, the voices had been completely silent. He didn't let himself get his hope up though, when something particularly shocking happens the voices did tend to not speak at all for only a moment. 

He eventually finished the puppet, he checked the time and decided to head back to Ink's house. He stood up, then stared at the puppet he made. After a moment he sent the puppet up into the sea of blue strings. He was wondering if he should show Ink his puppets, but he decided against it. Why would Ink care anyway?

He stepped through a portal into the meadow around Ink's house. The beauty of the place still amazed him, and he walked up the path towards the house slowly. A gentle breeze made the flowers wave, and he wondered how Ink even made a breeze. It wasn't a physical thing that could be painted, but Ink used magic paint, so maybe it was possible.

He reached the front door and pushed it open. Ink wasn't in the main room.

"Ink?" Error called, walking further into the house.

"ERROR!" The yell came from upstairs. "You're back!" Ink ran out onto the hallway overlooking the main room, jumping over the banister and landing in a crouch a short distance in front of Error. Ink made to hug Error, but stopped and heavily blushed.

"Well, that's an interesting way to get downstairs..." Error stared at Ink for a moment before looking away and continuing. "What are you so excited about anyway?"

"Oh! I wanted to take you to my friend Dream's house! He lives in this world nearby, and it would be good for you to meet new people!" 

"Really?" Error was doubtful that meeting others was a good idea. He would probably end up getting angry or doing something stupid.

"Yep! Dream is really nice and won't judge you! I promise!" Error stared down at Ink, who stared back with a hopeful smile.

After a few moments Error mumbled 'fine'.

"Let's go then!" Ink grabbed Error's hand and dragged him out the door. After making it quite a way down the path, Ink realized what he was doing, and quickly let go of Error's hand before turning around. "I'm so sorry! I forgot you don't like touching people! Are you okay!?!"

Error was standing completely still, 'ERROR' signs covering his eyes. Yellow dusted his cheeks. After a few moments of Ink apologizing multiple times in a freaked out frenzy, Error snapped out of his daze and some of his vision cleared. 

"I'm fine." Error said, his hand hovering over Ink's shoulder for a second before he placed it down, he winced at the contact but his vision didn't get re-blocked. Ink stopped talking when he did this, but still looked at Error in concern. Error quickly moved his hand once Ink stopped talking. "So, should we go to your friend's house?"

Ink nodded, and painted a portal on the ground. "After you."

Error took a deep breathe, closed his eyes and stepped into the portal. 


Closing his eyes definitely helped with travelling through Ink's portals, and when Error found himself back on solid ground he was only slightly dizzy.

Error looked around curiously. The place looked like Ink's house, but smaller, and the surroundings had no flowers, only grass and a stream.

"Here we are!" Ink said after arriving. He walked towards the house, and Error followed closely behind. 

Ink knocked on the door, and it was answered by a short skeleton with yellow eye-lights. "Hi! You must be Error! My names Dream!" The skeleton didn't bother holding out his hand, he knew Error wouldn't take it. 

"Nice to meet you Dream..." Error studied Dream. He was the other skeleton he saw in the pictures with Ink. He looked friendly, and didn't seem to care that Error was the destroyer. He also seemed to give off a happy aura.

"Come inside! I made food! I hope you like apple pie!" Dream headed into his house.

"Apple pie is not food, it's dessert!" huffed Ink while following Dream inside.

What's apple pie? wondered Error as he carefully stepped into the house, which was filled with a delicious scent. He presumed that this was from the apple pie, and decided if it tasted as nice as it smelt that he would be happy to eat it. 

Ink sat at the dining table, and Error sat next to him. In less than a second Dream had also sat down at the table, bringing three bowls of apple pie and ice-cream with him. Dream gave Ink and Error a bowl before exclaiming 'fudge nuggets' and going to grab some spoons. Ink snorted then turned to Error.

"Do you believe me about Dream being nice now?" Ink asked. Error nodded his head, not fully listening as he was busy staring at the pie placed in front of him with interest. 

Dream very quickly returned with spoons, and handed them out after sitting down. He stared at Error, waiting for him to try the pie. Error stared back, confused and uncomfortable. 

"You use the spoon to eat the pie." Ink said pointing to the spoon near to Error while picking up his own spoon and beginning to eat.

"Oh..." Error picked up the spoon and scooped up a small piece of pie. He ate the pie and liked it.

Dream started eating his own pie after seeing this result, happy that yet another person liked his pie. As he ate his mind wondered over possible ways to get Ink and Error together. Him and Blue would need to make sure Error was interested first though. There would be nothing worse than trying to get them together, only for Error to not like Ink in that way. 

After they finished eating, Dream and Ink chatted about random things, while Error stayed mostly silent, only accasionally talking. It soon got late, and Ink decided it was time to head home.

"How about we have a sleepover soon?" Suggested Dream before Ink and Error left. "We can invite Blue too and hang out!"

Ink's eyes lit up. "That's a great idea! providing Error is okay with it..." Ink turned towards Error, who mumbled something. "Could you repeat that?" Ink asked.

"I said that that's fine..." Error said, louder this time but still staring at his feet.

"That settles it then! We'll have a sleepover in a couple of days time!" Dream already had big plans for the sleepover, plans that Ink probably wouldn't like.

Ink and Error headed home using Ink's portal, both tired and wanting to go to sleep. But before they did, Ink gave Error the phone he had set up that morning, and gave him a quick tutorial on how to use it. Happy now that he would be able to contact Error, Ink went to get ready to sleep, while Error messed around with his new phone.

In an hour they were both sleeping peacefully.

Author's note!

Sorry for not updating this for a week! I've been really busy!

I'll try to post another chapter this weekend, but no promises!

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