The Sleepover (part 1)

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The few days between Error and Dream meeting and the sleepover went quickly. Error kept destroying, but usually only one or two universe each day. During the day, Ink and Error would sometimes send messages to each other, chatting via text until they both returned to the house. When they both arrived home they would talk about random things and make each other laugh. Error no longer felt really awkward around the creator, and as he began to become closer to Ink, the voices started to become quieter. They still constantly chattered, but they cut through his thoughts less often and with less volume. 

Dream and Blue planned to come over after lunch, and stay till after lunch the next day. This left Ink and Error a choice to either stay in the house and wait for them to arrive, or head out until about the time they would arrive. They both decided to stay, watching a film that Ink loved and Error had never seen. Error's and Ink's eyes were glued to the screen as the movie played out.

At about half-way, Ink got up and made some popcorn as Error watched the popcorn pop in awe and shock. They sat back down with the bowl between them and continued the film. In typical love story fashion their fingers brushed as they were both reaching for some popcorn during a particularly tense scene. Ink instantly withdrew his hand, blushing and apologizing. Error froze for a moment before mumbling out that it was fine. The rest of the film went without incident, with both of their thoughts lingering on how their hands had touched.

After the film, Error and Ink ate some lunch, and had just finished when a knock at the door announced that Dream and Blue had arrived.

Ink got up and went to the door, opening it and seeing his friends. "Hi guys! You're just in time, me and Error have just finished lunch!"

"Yay! So we can start playing games soon then!" Yelled Blue as he jumped up and down on the spot, his eyes shining stars. "There's so many that we have to show Error how to play!"

"Well we don't have to show him all of them at once..." said Ink, walking back over to where Error was awkwardly sitting at the table.

"I know! In fact the Sans party is coming up soon so we could more of them to him then!" Replied Blue. The whole room went silent.

"What's the Sans party'?" Asked Error after a few seconds.

"Oh... It's a party where all the Sans' get together and hang out..." Explained Dream. "But there are a lot of Sans' that attend so it might be far too much so soon...."

"It's not for a month! You'll be fine with people by then, won't you Error?" Asked Blue, smiling sweetly at Error.

"I don't know..." Error sunk into his hoodie, the mere thought of that many judging faces making him want to hide.

"Blue." Said Ink with a hard tone "I thought I made it clear that Error shouldn't be rushed into situations he isn't comfortable in."

"Well, yeah you did..." Started Blue "But Error seems to be a lot better already and I'm sure he'll be fine with going by the time it comes along!"

Dream sighed, placing a hand on Blue's shoulder. "If you talk like that, Error will feel like he has to be fine with going to the party Blue." Dream turned around "So for now let's drop that topic and move onto what we plan to do at this sleepover!"

Everyone agreed with this change of topic, and headed towards the entertainment room.

"What should we do first?" Asked Ink, looking between the cupboard full of board games and the Game consoles around the TV.

"Lets play some board games first!" Said Blue, running over to the cupboard. "They're probably easier to understand than video games!"

"Sounds good!" Said Dream joining Blue to look through the cupboard.

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