Chapter 16

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I'm sorry for not updating for about a month or two, I had a lot to deal with about school and my parents working me like a slave. But enough of that I hope you enjoy this chapter even though I'm not that confident about the fighting scenes.

Before you read I must warn you that I changed the fighting scene about the boss and a few other things so don't kill me about it. I was also thinking about having Yuuki use the dual wielding skill but I'm not sure about that, so I'll let you guys decide.

Yuuki’s POV

Kirito, Asuna and I stood in front of the tall imposing boss as it raised its weapon to strike us. The three of us ran away screaming as it was about to bring down its weapon ready to kill us. After running away screaming from the boss Kirito, Asuna and I rested on the floor leaning on the wall tired from escaping from the boss.

“That one's gonna be tough to beat.” Asuna said still panting from escaping the boss room.

“You're right. I saw it only had that one big sword, and I'm pretty sure it's got special attacks too.” I added remembering the boss raising its sword as it towered over us about to strike.

“We're gonna have to put tanks in the front row and keep switching out just to wear it down.” Asuna advised thinking of different strategies to defeat the boss despite the fact of how exhausted we are from running away from the boss.

“Yeah, then it wouldn't hurt to have about ten shield users.” Kirito agreed with Asuna while adding more to her plan.

“Shield users, huh?” Asuna questioned Kirito while she stared at him and I.

“What? What's wrong?” Kirito asked her confused by what she meant as I also looked at her confused.

“You are. You two are hiding something, aren't you?” Asuna asked us as Kirito stared at her surprised while I on the other hand was not.

“Well, he was going to be found out anyway.” I thought to myself as I listened in on the conversation.

“What are you talking about?” Kirito asked her trying to play it cool even though I know that Asuna is already suspicious of him. I may have an idea why Kirito doesn’t use a shield but it’s not my place to say his secrets.

“I just realized something. The biggest advantage of using a one-handed sword is you can also use a shield. But you know what, I don't think I've ever seen you two using one. I don't use a shield because it'll slow down my rapier. Others don't because they think it looks dumb. And how come you're not using the sword you commissioned from Liz? Very suspicious. Mm-hm.” Asuna stated as she stared at him in suspicion while Kirito was not looking at her completely nervous.

“Oh, never mind. It's rude to ask people to justify their skills.” Asuna said as she smiled at us.

“Phew...” Kirito muttered relieved that Asuna decided not to further question him while I just sat there not really caring if Asuna did find out why I don’t use a shield, mostly because people already know the skill “Mother’s Rosario” that I used to defeat the boss in one of the lower floors. It was quite a pain when people kept asking me questions about the skill or if I could join their guild but I always managed to escape and after a few weeks they just stopped. Of course, Kirito asked me about the skill which I didn’t mind so I answered his questions, but after a while I haven’t used the skill that much because it wasn’t needed to defeat the bosses. While I was remembering the past, I noticed this awkward silence as I looked at the two as they just sat there not doing anything.

“Maybe it’s about time.” I thought to myself as I opened my menu and selected the item that I was looking for, causing it to materialize in my hands.

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