Chapter 13

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Yuuki's POV

Kirito and I were in a meeting on Floor 56: Pani with other strong players discussing how to defeat the boss on this floor. Constant whispering was heard all over the room thinking of a plan to kill the boss, in the center of the room was a map of what I think is of the whole floor with Asuna second in command of the Knights of the Blood Oath in front of it. The players were surrounding Asuna and the map while Kirito and I were just in the crowd of people as the other strong players that were in the room are still discussing and whispering until Asuna hit the table where the map is to get everyone's attention.

"We'll lure it into the village, that's how we'll get the boss." Asuna said stating her idea on how to kill the boss.

"Wait you can't be serious, if we do the boss will go after the village-" Kirito said disapproving of the plan but was interrupted by Asuna.

"That's the idea. While the boss is busy killing NPC's, we can attack it and kill it." Asuna said not backing down from her plan.

"But they're not just objects, NPC's are different than rocks and trees. Look they're-" I said agreeing with Kirito that we can't go with this plan but was interrupted by Asuna just like Kirito.

"You two think that they're alive, really?" Asuna said in a cold tone catching Kirito and I off guard not being able to say anything against what she said.

"In this game, they are just objects and unlike us if they are killed they can always respawn" She said in her usual monotone voice knowing that she is right with the other players agreeing with her logic.

"Sorry, but Yuuki and I aren't cool with this plan." Kirito said while I nodded my head agreeing with him completely.

"I'm running this operation, okay. In case you forgot I'm still second in command of the Knights of the Blood Oath, you two will obey my orders like it or not." Asuna said glaring at us for not wanting to be apart in her plan and disobeying her. Kirito and I left the room not wanting to be a part of the plan but what she just said made me so mad that I wanted to vent my anger on something.

"Seriously what's with her, it's not like she can order us around. We're solo players for crying out loud, we're not part of her stupid guild!" I said still angry at her, and what she said.

"When I first meet her I thought we could be friends, but seeing how close she is with Kirito and what she said today, I'm liking her less and less." I thought as Kirito and I kept walking to anywhere that isn't near her.

"I agree with you Yuuki, but what she said is true even though I don't like this plan." Kirito said as I looked at him knowing how he feels about this plan. As Kirito and I kept walking we heard someone calling us, we turned around to see that Agil was the one calling us.

"What's with you guys" Agil said as he got closer to us, while we just gave him a confused look not knowing what he means.

"You two with the second in command... you three are always into it and not in a good way." Agil said smiling at us and I just stared at him not getting what he meant by that.

"Hey, I guess we just don't click Agil. Well, she took my advice but who knew she join the top guild and be a floor clearing badass." Kirito said still surprised on what Asuna has accomplished since they meet.

"What about me, I'm way more of a badass than Asuna." I said knowing that I'm better than Asuna when it comes to fighting.

"I know Yuuki, no one can beat you when it comes to fighting and clearing dungeons." Kirito said agreeing with me while he ruffles my hair AGAIN.

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