Chapter 7

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Yukki'S POV

I was checking my weapon and my inventory to see if I have enough potions just in case something bad could happen. When I was done I suddenly remembered what happened yesterday and I could feel my face getting warm.


As I kept starring into Kirito's eyes as if it's the most interesting thing there is, I noticed that he was also starring into my eyes while holding my hand. I suddenly felt like my whole face was in fire and I quickly averted my gaze as I took my hand away from his. I looked anywhere else that could not make me think of Kirito but my eyes still made me look towards Kirito until I was starring at his face. I then noticed something strange of how Kirito looked as if he was hurt or sad about something but I had no idea why so I decided that I should change the subject trying to get rid of this awkward atmosphere that is invading in this room.

"Umm... It's getting late so we should probably get some sleep if we want to be ready for tomorrow."

"Huh? O-oh yeah, I should probably leave and let you have some sleep for tomorrow. Sooo, I will leave right now. Goodnight Yuuki." He said in an awkward and strange way while getting out of the room in a hurry.

"Well that was strange, I hope he's okay." I said while removing my armor and changing into my pajamas that I always wear for sleep. I then got into bed still thinking about Kirito and getting as much sleep as possible with him in my head.

(Flashback End)

"Now that I think about it, could it be that Kirito also likes me." I asked myself hoping that it is true while my cheeks were a bit pink.

"There is no way he could like me I mean he just meet my a few days ago and I don't even know if I like him or as to how?" I said waving my hands as a way to deny it but at the same time wanting it to be true.

"(Sigh) Come on Yuuki, this is no time to start acting like highschool girl fan girling over her crush. We're going to have a strategy meeting about how to defeat the boss." I said checking one last time that I have everything for the battle to come. I then got out of my room heading towards Kirito's room hoping that it won't get awkward again about what happened yesterday.

Kirito's POV

I equipped my armor and checked my inventory already used to this routine as I have done all the time trapped in this death game. As I finished checking everything I then saw Yuuki's name on my menu remembering that she is in my party but as I kept starring at her name I then remembered what happened yesterday in her room.


I grabbed Yuuki's hand not knowing why as she was cleaning the trail that the tear left behind as it fell to the floor. Her hand was warm comforting like in a fireplace and her hand was smaller compared to mine as if they were fragile different of how I expected knowing how strong she is. I then looked into her eyes and for some strange reason I couldn't look away from those beautiful red eyes of hers thinking them as rubies, amazed by them I was starring at them for what seemed like hours. As I kept starring into those eyes I noticed that her face suddenly turned red and she she then looked away from my gaze while taking her hand away from mine. I then felt sad as soon as the comforting warmth of her small and fragile hand left mine, and her eyes looking away from mine already missing the treasure that I had just discovered.

"(What's with all these thoughts about Yuuki all of a sudden, and why is it that I just noticed this about her right now? Ugh, this is just making my head hurt the more I think about it.)" I then heard Yuuki's voice breaking my train of thought.

"Umm... It's getting late so we should probably get some sleep if we want to be ready for tomorrow." She said her face still red while trying to avoid looking into my eyes.

"Huh? O-oh yeah, I should probably leave and let you have some sleep for tomorrow. Sooo, I will leave right now. Goodnight Yuuki." I said still confused by all these thoughts that I have about her and left in hurry trying not to make it any more awkward than it is but failing miserably. I stood by Yuuki's door trying to clear the confusion in my head only to make it worse.

"(Sigh) I'm going to sleep, hopping at least that could help clear my mind of these thoughts." I changed into my sleeping wear and went to bed still haunted by the annoying thoughts that I hopped wouldn't bother my in my sleep.

(Flashback End)

"Not the best sleep that I had since I got trapped in this game but not the worst." I said trying to get rid of any drowsiness that I might still have. I then heard a nock on the door and a voice what could have been the source of the headache and sleepiness that I had or possibly still have.

"Kirito are you wake? We need to go to the meeting so hurry up or we will be late." She said in her normal and sweet voice that she somehow always has.

"Yeah I'm wake, you don't have to rush me though I'm not as slow as you." I said in an attempt to annoy her while opening the door.

"Urgh... I'm not slow it's just how we girls are, checking that we have everything nice and ready. You wouldn't understand since you're a guy." She said trying to get the upper hand.

"Well you said one thing that was true for once, that I'm a guy and that I will never understand how girls think." I stated with pure confidence in my answer.

"Exactly, yo-- WAIT! What did you mean for once?!" She said sounding angry from my comment.

"Well, we should hurry up. We don't want to be late now do we?" I said ruffling Yuuki's hair before walking to the exit of the inn.

"Hey, don't mess up my hair! Wait up. you didn't answer my question!" She said trying get back at me from what I said.

I don't know what it is but when I look at you and your smile with ruby like eyes, I feel this is where I belong right beside you in this death game.

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