Chapter 12

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{This chapter is focused on the main story line of season one of sword art online in episode 4. Sword Art Online and all it's characters don't belong to me only to the creator of SAO.}

(This chapter is the longest that I have ever written in this FanFiction which is about 7266 words, most chapters that I write are about 1500 to 2000 words and this will be the only chapter that I'm going to write this long. The only reason why I wrote this many is because I came up with this dumb idea that I should type every single line that all the characters say in episode 4. Now I know why people put timeskips in their stories, anyway enjoy this chapter and don't kill over this super long chapter because it is my first and last that I'm going to type this long)

Yuuki's POV

Kirito and I kept going to dungeons and defeating bosses but with the other guilds, not by ourselves or that would have been suicide. Not long after people came to know me as Zekken for some reason, as they even gave Kirito and I the title of 'Night and Dusk'. I kind of understand why they gave us that title by the colors that we usually wear, Kirito is the night because he always wears black for some odd reason and I'm dusk maybe because when it's dusk you see a little bit of violet when the sun sets. Floor after floor strong players have cleared but it feels like we are not even close to getting to the 100th floor but we are getting there, that's what really matters. Kirito and I are in the Forest of Wandering of the lowest floors looking for someone when we suddenly heard a scream of girl. Kirito and I didn't hesitate to go help her as he and I ran towards where we heard the scream, were we saw a Drunk Ape about to finish her. Kirito destroyed the one that was about to kill her as I finished off the other ones that were nearby. As I finished destroying the other two monsters, I saw the little girl on the ground crying while holding on to something.

"What's that feather?" Kirito askes as he got closer to her as she kept crying.

"It's Pina. My partner..." She said in a low voice.

"You're a beast tamer?" Kirito said surprised that she's a beast tamer, I have heard of them but I heard that it's not easy to become a beast tamer.

"I'm sorry... I wasn't able to save your friend." He said sounding guilty for not being able to save Pina. I look at the little girl feeling sorry that she lost her friend, I walk up to and rubbed her back letting her know that I can help her.

"No... I was being stupid. I was stupid to think I could make it through the forest on my own. Thank you both for saving me." She said looking at Kirito and me thankful for what we did.

"That feather happen to have an item name?" Kirito asked as he kneeled next to her, she touched the feather and an icon appeared saying 'Pina's Heart. She then started to cry again holding the feather close to her.

"Hey, don't cry. If her heart is still here that means you can still revive her." I said smiling hopping it could cheer her up.

"Really?" She asked wondering if it's too good to be true.

"Yeah on the south side of floor 47 in a place called the 'Hill of Memories', I heard that the flower that blooms at its top can revive a pet." I said smiling but her face became sad once she heard floor 47, as I was about to say that we can help her Kirito said something that surprised and angered me.

"If you give me money I could go for you. But if the pet's owner isn't there, the flower won't bloom." Kirito said as I glared at him about to scold him.

"That information is enough. If I work hard to raise my level, then someday..." She said but was interrupted by Kirito.

"They can only be revived for three days after death." Kirito said informing her casing her to lose hope.

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