Chapter 5

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Kirito POV

Yuuki and I finally left the town heading towards the dungeon by going through the forest known as the Sleeping Forest. Once we entered the forest we noticed that the forest was very quiet as if the forest really is asleep, and that always meant that something dangerous is going to show up soon.

"Yuuki be careful, I have a bad feeling about this place." I said still cautious of my surroundings.

"Yeah, I noticed to that this forest is strange. I guess that would explain why people were having trouble clearing this floor." She said with her hand on her sword.

We continued onward with a few encounters with monsters but nothing that was above our level. After a few fights with monsters and an hour of walking we were meet with a huge tower that lead towards the next floor.

"Are you ready for this Yuuki?" I asked her if she was ready for what may come next.

"Always ready for an exciting battle." She exclaimed with full of excitement.

I sighed knowing that every time I tell her that this is not a game anymore still likes the chance for an amazing battle. We walked into the dungeon ready for combat, we kept walking until a lizard like monster with a scimitar, a shield and some armor appeared a few feet in front of us. I immediately grabbed my sword but as soon as I did I saw a flash of purple pass by me heading towards the lizard monster. I then noticed that the flash of purple was Yuuki running towards the monster at an amazing speed, she attacked it with a vertical slash and followed it by a horizontal slash. The monster then tried to attack her but by then Yuuki was already in the air landing behind it and attacking it with two vertical slashes and a thrust. The monster then started to glow and exploded into small blue triangles. I just stood there looking at how amazing Yuuki was when she was fighting the monster and kind of sad that I didn't get a chance to show off my skills like she wanted me too. I walked up to Yuuki to where she finished off the monster and saw her sheath her sword and to look at me with a smile on her face.

"So was I amazing or what?" She said all excited waiting for my thoughts on how she fought.

"Yeah, you were amazing that's for sure, but next time could you at least let me do some fighting ounce in a while." I said with a bit of annoyance.

"Oh, sorry. I guess I was just caught in the moment. I'll let you fight the next one okay." She replied with a hint of guilt in her words.

"You better not be lying to me when you suddenly get 'caught in the moment' fighting monsters when I'm just standing there doing nothing while the you get to fight and get the experience points." I said still reluctant if she will let me fight at all.

"Okay, okay, I get it. I'll let you fight the monsters, geez." She said a bit irritated by what I said.

"Come on Yuuki, don't be like that. I just want to fight by your side and not watching you fight hoping you don't get hurt, that's why we're in a party to watch each others back." I said hoping to cheer her up.

*Sigh* "I'm sorry, I guess I'm not used to being in a party with someone. I was always alone since this death game began, having to watch my back every second just so that I wouldn't get killed by monsters or PKer's. But now I have you to watch my back and you have me to watch yours so I'll be relying on you from now on, okay!" She said with a heart warming smile that I like seeing.

"Yeah, I'll be with you all the way." I replied with a smile of my own.

Yuuki POV

A Destined Encounterحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن