Chapter 6

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Kirito POV

Yuuki and I went inside the boss room to see the boss of floor 40 and what we saw was not good. In the center of the boss room there stood a knight clad in black armor with a long broadsword with the same color as the armor and the size of the knight is at least 15 ft tall. As I stood there examining the boss it started to move then showing the name of the boss "The Hollow Knight". I quickly grabbed Yuuki's wrist and got out of what could be a death room for the many players that are going to fight it.

"T-That boss is going to be tough to beat considering that it's huge and with full armor." I said a bit nervous of how many people would die trying to kill that thing.

"Yeah, but the bright side is that the boss would be slow, so we would need to get a lot of speed and strength type players." Yuuki said a bit startled of the huge boss that they would eventually face.

I look towards the huge door hoping what Yuuki said is true. "Okay, I think we're done here so lets go to the town and inform what we saw in the boss room." I said snapping out of my train of thought.

When I didn't hear Yuuki answer me I looked at her to see if she was alright and I saw that her face was a bit pink and looking at out still connected hands when trying to escape the boss room.

"Huh? Oh sorry Yuuki, I didn't notice that we were still holding hands." I let go of her hand noticing that Yuuki looked a bit sad for some reason.

"Yuuki, are you alright?" I asked worried that something must have bothered her.

"Huh? No I'm okay, come on we should get going to the town to report what we found." She said as she took out a teleport crystal. As I was about to ask if she was sure she has already teleported to the town, I then took out my teleport crystal and teleported to the town. I looked around trying to find Yuuki and saw her walking towards the inn and I ran trying to catch up to her.

"Yuuki, wait up!" I yelled trying to get her attention. As soon as I yelled she looked towards me waiting for me to be where she was at.

"What is it Kirito?" She asked innocently once I was in front of her.

"We need to report what we saw, or do you want to rest at the inn?" I asked concerned that she might be tired.

"Yeah, its just that I'm so tired about fighting the monsters. So if you don't mind could you inform them about the boss by yourself?" She asked sounding exhausted about clearing the dungeon.

"I don't mind so be sure to rest well, I'll see you at the inn okay." I said goodbye to Yuuki for now as I go to inform what we found in the boss room.

Yuuki POV

I saw Kirito leave to tell them about the new information about the boss that we found in this floor. I then decided to go to the inn considering how tired I am and the warm of his hand when he grabbed mine. After a while of walking I finally made it to the inn that we were staying and immediately fell face fist on the comfortable bed of the room that I'm staying. I then turned around in the bed now facing the celling and then looked at the hand that which Kirito was holding in the dungeon.

His hand was warm and bigger than mine. No no no no no bad Yuuki, you can't be thinking these things about Kirito he's just a friend and someone that you admire. Not someone to lo---

(Knock, Knock)

"Hey Yuuki, are you in there?"

"Kirito, is that you?" You asked the person behind the just to make sure.

"Yeah its me, do you mind if I come in?" Kirito asked.

"You can come in." I said while sitting up straight on the bed.

Kirito then came in closing the door behind him and sitting next to me.

"So are you feeling better now?" Kirito asked worried if I'm okay.

"Yeah, I don't feel that tired, so did you give them the information about the boss?" I asked him wondering how it went well.

"Yup, and apparently they're going to have a strategy meeting on how to defeat the boss tomorrow. So we should get some rest for tomorrows fight." He said while getting up from the bed ready to leave my room.

"Wait!" I yelled while grabbing the sleeve of his coat preventing him from leaving.

"What is it Yuuki?" He asked worried about my sudden outburst.

"You fought many bosses before right, how was it? I'm only asking because I never fought a boss." I asked him knowing that it could be an insensitive question to him.

"Well to tell you the truth it's kind of scary fighting a monster that could kill you with a single strike but I'm never alone when fighting the boss even if I am a solo player. And then there's when some players die right in front of me knowing it could happen to me dying alone like a solo player should." Kirito looked sad saying the last part.

I then got out of my bed and hugged him, Kirito then tensed up not expecting this from me.

"Kirito, your not alone anymore you have me now and I am not going to have you die while I'm still alive. So don't be afraid, okay." I said releasing him from my hug and giving him one of my best smilies that I have.

"Okay... I won't let you die either Yuuki." He said while giving me one of his smile.

I then noticed that a single tear fell down from his cheek.

"Kirito... Why are you crying, are you okay?" I asked him will extending my hand whipping the trail that the tear left behind on his cheek.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine don't worry about it. It's just that I'm glad that I meet you, Yuuki." He said while grabbing my hand that was on his cheek.

"I'm glad I meet you too Kirito." I said staring at the eyes of the person that I could have feelings for.

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