Night at the Cinema Ch. 3

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Part 3-

As Deaglán followed me in his hot car, I wondered. Is this such a good idea? I barely know the guy... but he's sooo cute. I really can't resist. Shoot... I'm bringing such an attractive guy to meet Lucy and Sarah and I hadn't even warned them. I got out my new phone (eek an iPhone! I had begged my dad for one of these for ages.) and called Lucy. "Hello?" she seemed annoyed.

"Sup Luc! I'm on my way to the theater. I've got a surprise..."

"Dear god could you take any longer? I'm standing here with Sarah and Matt. Did you know Sarah was bringing Matt? I sure didn't. It's so awkward. What's taking you so long anyways? Normally you're here before all the rest of us!!"

"Geez Woocy (my nickname for her) don't get your panties in a bunch. I almost got in an accident."

"WHAAAAAT??? Are you okay oh my god I can't believe this why didn't you say anything sooner?" Leave it to Lucy to not think I was trying to get a word in.

"I'm fine, he never hit me. But I have to tell you, I invited him to come to the movie with us and before you freak out..."

I gave Lucy and update on the situation, I could tell Sarah was listening in too because I could hear two people breathing into the phone. Once I was done there was silence. That's never happened before.

"So you're telling me two IRISH men, and yes I say men because they sound attractive, to the movies with us and you didn't think that was OKAY?!?!"

I laughed. Typical Lucy and Sarah conversation.

"Alright so I did that's why they're following me in their Audi A5, don't even START me on their car dears. We're in the parking lot I'll talk to you in a second."

I pulled into a spot, luckily there were two next to each other because Declan and Sean pulled right in next to me. I could see Sarah, Matt and Lucy running, well walking at a fast pace (trying not to be obvious and failing) right towards us. I got out of my car after the hood pulled up and locked it. As I looked over at Declan I could see he was staring at me. Not that I minded, he was adorable.

"So you must be the two boys that almost trashed Bex's precious mustang. That's a shame, she's funnier when she's mad." Typical Matt, always finding a way to make fun of me. Makes sense why I have such discomfort around boys. Well that and Danny. But that's a different story.

"Word spreads around fast here in California?" Declan laughed, I love when he does that. I could get used to that. What made him laugh harder was the look on Lucy and Sarah's faces. I assume they have no idea what he's saying. Well they weren't the only ones.

"I'm sorry dude did you just say something? It sounded like gibberish."

Now everyone was laughing.

"Shoot man I'm sorry, I didn't think the accent was that thick. Want me to say everything a bit slower?" He seemed offended. That's when it got awkward. Maybe I was wrong in bringing someone else into the group. I should've tried him out myself first... then suddenly he and Sean glanced at each other and then laughed. Always overreacting. I need to stop that.

"Well come on, I know we're late so let's get to that movie!!" I couldn't stand everyone talking to each other, so might as well watch a movie. No one has to talk during a movie.

We bought our tickets and went into the theater. None of my friends ever buy popcorn or candy, we always bring large purses and bring in our own.

We sat down in the theater, and had to figure out our seating arrangements. I felt like I was in 8th grade again trying to set my friends girl boy girl boy. But it's what I did. Sarah, Matt, then Me, Declan, Sean, and Lucy. I hate putting Lucy on the end, and she'll hate me for it later, but that's okay I was sitting next to Declan. Everyone was making small talk, laughing, and trying to understand Sean and Declan when the movie started.... And things got interesting.

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