Prologue and Previews

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During a mission, soldiers go to the battle field, risking their lives. Just like what Captain Yoo Shi Jin said, "A soldier lives with wearing shroud at all times. As you die at the unknown battle field for your country, the place you lay becomes your grave and your uniform becomes your shroud. You must wear the uniform with that kind of determination. Be honorable at any moment. There's no reason not to be."

"At your right Captain!" His comrade yell. Chanyeol quickly took cover, fire and run forward through the place raining with bullets.

"She's here!"

At an old abandoned building, Korea's top military men are bound to deal with the situation everyone feared. A woman from the army have been captured and tortured. After 4 days and 3 nights, they finally retrieve her, first lieutenant Yoon Bomi.

Untying her hand, she fell on the ground, lifelessly. Chanyeol quickly carried her out of the building before it explodes, sending series of concrete and glass flying in every directions.

"First Lieutenant! Are you ok?" He ask as he lay her down on the chopper "Can you hear me?"

Bomi slightly opened her eyes but pass right away once again.

"She's badly hurt and suffered shock." Dr. Byun stated.

Chanyeol took his radio from his belt, speaking "This is Yoda reporting. We have successfully retrieve the hostage. First Lieutenant Yoon's rescue mission is a success. We are heading to the medi cube. Prepare right away. Over."

"Copy that Captain. Falcon team is now issued to go back safely. The medi cube is on stand by."

Staring at herself in the mirror, bad memories surface from her mind once again. She can still feel the pain both mentally and physically. She trace the scar on her neck as tears threaten to come out once again.

"Do you really have to leave Lieutenant Yoon?" Chanyeol questioned her "We need you in our team, do you really have to leave us?"

Bomi replied with a sad smile "I figured that I'm really weak Captain. I don't deserve to wear this uniform with this kind of determination. I might need a professional help. It keeps haunting me even in my dreams. Today, I'm withdrawing from both falcon team and being a soldier."

"I'm deeply sorry for letting you go through all that Lieutenant."

"No Captain. No one should apologize. We are soldiers. This is meant to happen."

"I know but-" He was cut off by the radio. He grab it from his belt and began speaking "Yoda over."

"Captain. There's a situation at the border. Falcon team is to gather and dispatch immediately. It's the colonel's order, over."

Bomi and Chanyeol exchange eye contact. Usually during a call like this, the two would come running out together but today, Bomi stand still.

"With all luck Captain. Dan-gyeol." She stand straight, hands above her eye brow, giving her last salute.

"You've worked hard First Lieutenant Yoon...Dan-gyeol." He turned around and without looking back, left.

Bomi look at the paper in her hand, her sister had given it to her.

"Dr.Byun Baekhyun...." she mumble.

"In a room with just the two of us, shouldn't you make your move?" Bomi jump down from her table, right in front of Baekhyun "So Dr.Byun..."

"I should." He said lowly.

She close the distance between them, closing her eyes with her head lifted up.

"I should go check my patients." She heard him said followed with his presence leaving.

"How-" she let out a laugh of disbelief "How could he reject me again just like that?"

(Preview 2)
"The team have returned." Ran reported. Shantel dropped her clipboard and quickly ran out of the medi-cube. Due to her excitement, she tripped on her laces but Chanyeol caught her. He let her stand straight then kneel down.

"You have to be careful Second Lieutenant. Do you want the troops laughing at you?" He ask as he tied her boot laces.

"I can tie it myself but thank you Captain." She gave a small smile "Dan-gyeol."

Chanyeol nodded then she went running pass him. As he turn around, not too far, Shantel was examining Seung Cheol.

"Are you ok? Are you hurt anywhere?" She asked Seung Cheol worriedly.

"Captain," Ran stopped in front of Chanyeol "You're bleeding! I'll take you to the medi-cube."

(Preview 3)
"Seung many times do I have to face your cold shoulder? How much more are you going to ignore me?"


"I'm asking you as your girl!" She yell with tears in her eyes "....Should I let go of that hand and run the other direction?"

Seung Cheol didn't answer or even move an inch. Neither did his expression change.

"I'm commanding you sergeant..." she wipe her tears "Are you not going to answer your Lieutenant?"

"I'm not who you think I am Lieutenant."

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