35: I'm going to learn to Hate You

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Yuko returned to the place of battle after getting some healing and got all the poison expelled from her body.

She took a deep breath in and...

" Nii-san... Toshiro... Kyouraku... Soi Fon... " She gulps " mina...  DAMEH !!!!!" She couldn't feel any reiatsu...
( Everyone... NOOOOO )

" Ha ha... Ha... " It was like Yuko was broken... " Ha... ha... Bankai... Kaze no tsubasa. Find me aizen."


Meanwhile... Yuko's butterflies found aizen.

Aizen: Yuko.

Yuko: you made aone... To destroy me... Because my ability... Is a pain in the ass. No. Because my ability can look through yours. Every butterfly is an individual part, piece of me. I just have to place a butterfly in a corner... An area... You don't know. You can't place your illusion on that butterfly. That would means... I can look through you. Yet... You won... Because of aone. She loves you... She sacrificed her life just for you. All that poison... Made me took my time to heal... And this happened... Are you telling me even god is on your side?

Aizen: don't be like that. You suddenly believe in god?


aizen: I told you to be on my side.

Yuko clenches her fist " you... You have the hogyoku in you... Don't you?"

Aizen: hai~

Yuko: I can feel it... Hogyoku's existence... You were interested. What I gained... From losing my eyes to hogyoku.  A connection. I gained a connection. I could feel it's existence. Sometimes... I could feel it's will... Will? No... It was like I knew what it was doing. What it was used for.

Aizen: eh? Then maybe I need to kill you. I can't have someone like that in my side. You would try to take hogyoku from me.

Yuko: I'm so angry... Ha... Angry right now... I want to kill you... But I don't have that ability... I'll die...

Aizen: oh... So you want to live. How about the god-killer you said you'll become?

Yuko: you're... Melting together... With the hogyoku.

Aizen: subjugate.

Yuko: right. Huh? You'll give me power to heal my friends, especially hinamori if I help aizen?

Aizen laughed " you're talking to the hogyoku?"

Yuko:  it's talking to me.  .... Alright. I'll help aizen. You'll give me the power to heal my friends right?

Aizen: help me?

Yuko: ah. Help you melt together with that things faster.

Aizen: you can do that?

Yuko: I can use kufuku no cho on you. The reiatsu it absorbs will go to you.

Aizen: well...

Yuko: just say yes. You made my friends hurt.

Aizen hesitates " alright then... "

Yuko places the butterfly on his hand. Butterfly tattoos take over aizen's body... And the butterflies starts absorbing every reiatsu in sight.

Aizen: you know this means your friends will suffer from this technique right?

Yuko: the hogyoku said it will heal them. It's not like my friends will die from a little donation.

Aizen starts to feel stronger...

Aizen: you still don't want to be by my side?

" No. I'm going to learn to hate you. " And yuko's butterfly shatters. Yuko had kept her bankai. " I'm going to tend to my friends. " And she flash steps.

But... Gin failed... And... The revolution of aizen had begun...

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