Chapter 39

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"Hey." Jimin said in a sympathetical tone. A kind but sad smile was on his face. His brother looked up from his parchment, looking at the newcomer. His face lit up when he saw it was his hyung.

"Hey." Hoseok said putting his books on the table. He pulled a chair from under the table and sat down next to the two siblings.

There was an uncomfortable silence between them. They hadn't spoken since the news came in. It had been a couple days and he had been very distant, trying to cope with everything. Hoseok had showed up to classes and tried to continue his life as best as possible, but for some reason he hadn't come around to talking to his friends yet. After his obligatory time outside of his dorm he would just go back and burry himself in books and exercises to keep his mind of what had happened.

"Are you alright?" Jimin asked carefully, drawing invisible pattern on the table in an attempt to relieve his stress.

"Well, I just got the news that my defenceless village got attacked by an army and basically everything I know and love is gone, of course I'm not bloody okay." Hoseok said in a soft voice. Jimin nodded in understanding, immediately regretting how he worded his question. Jungkook just looked away, knowing there was nothing he could say to better the situation.

"But I'm coping as best as I can" Hoseok added feeling guilty of snapping at his friends. He needed them now more than ever and he didn't want to upset them. There was no need for them to be sad as well.

Jimin nodded again. "Then you're already doing better than Jin." He stated. "he has basically locked himself in his room and doesn't let anyone in except his roommate, but he doesn't even want to listen to him."

Hoseok looked back at his books, lost in thought at the man's statement. The elder had lost a lot too, maybe even more. He had lost his parents and even worse; his lover. Hoseok knew Jin was in love with his sister, they had been for a while. And he also knew that his sister returned the feelings. For some reason they just hadn't gone past being friends during all that time. 

Now she was gone, killed by barbarians who only wanted their country to grow strong on the corpses of others. And there was nothing they could do about it. Hoseok wasn't sure what had hit him harder; the grief or the guilt. He did know that both were slowly gnawing at his conscience. He was sure Jin was just the same.

"Maybe you should go talk to him, he'll listen to you." Jimin asked carefully. Hoseok looked up at him, being snapped out of his thoughts. 

He sighed running a hand through his hair. "I don't know if I'm ready to talk about it yet, especially with the only other survivor." Hoseok said trying to keep his thoughts from getting flooded with grief.

"We were really worried about you two, we had never seen you so.. broken." Jungkook softly spoke up. "hyung is still like that, and I just want him to feel better, please." 

Hoseok could see the worry and kindness in his eyes. Jungkook was the youngest of them all but he worried about the others as if they were his children. Whenever the others would be stressed out because of tests or sad because of something else he would be there for them, breaking a little bit inside as well. How could Hoseok say no to him?

"Alright." The elder said. Jungkook's face lit up. 

"Thank you." He quickly mumbled with a smile. Hoseok couldn't help but smile as well.

"Now that we're on the topic of worried, what happened between you and Yoongi?" Jimin suddenly asked. Hoseok couldn't help but let a blush appear on his cheeks.

"What do you mean?" He asked not sure what to say. 

"Well, basically the entire Academy is talking about it. You walked out and he broke the desk in rage? But ever since that day you've been completely fine and there's no more fighting?" Jimin said extremely confused. Hoseok smiled slightly thinking about that day.

"I basically felt like leaving after getting the news but Yoongi talked me out of it. We had a bit of a fight and I said some things I regret, I ended up walking out an apologizing to him afterwards. So we're good now." Hoseok quickly explained trying to leave out some of the details he deemed unnecessary. 

"He literally broke a desk out of rage and by simply apologizing you're best friends again?" Jimin asked slightly amazed, of course he didn't believe it. The blush on Hoseok's face was too evident for him to believe he apologized with just words.

"Dude, teach me your ways, maybe Jimin will stop hating on my boyfriend then." Jungkook said with a chuckle. Hoseok couldn't help but smile widely, getting sent into a fit laughter. For the first time in days he genuinely laughed. Jimin couldn't help but cringe at his brother's answer, for multiple reasons.

"I think that'd be considered incest, Kookie." The sorcerer said with a laugh. Jungkook looked at them with a confused expression before realising what his brother meant also catching onto Hoseok's blushing face.

The sorcerer had tears leaking from his eyes at the younger's innocence. They were the only tears he considered good. He wiped them from his cheeks calming down his laughter.

"We were wondering when you would get together, you've been flirting for ages." Jimin said in between chuckles, finally calming down.

Hoseok looked down at his fingers fiddling with them. "We're not really together, we're just... I don't know." He said hesistantly.

"If you've kissed you're together. Yoongi cringes at every skinship possible, if you've managed to kiss him you're solid." Jimin reassured him. Hoseok smiled at him realising his words were true. 

Him and Yoongi hadn't really talked about their kiss afterwards. They just let it be and focussed on other things. Their conversations were mainly filled with nonsense and schoolwork. Still Hoseok would hug Yoongi every time he felt grief was getting the better of him. Just his hyung's presence made him feel calm and protected. He just hoped that Yoongi felt the same way. 

Yeah my writing is definitely getting worse, let's just forget this chapter happened.

Also I had this chapter almost done and then BigHit decided to drop the freaking highlight reel and blow my brain up. I got spoiled four times before I was able to watch it. First it was from a Spanish person commenting on the tweet, then from exiting the chat function on insta which made my feed refresh, that happened twice, and then from the Amino page updating. Isn't having no WiFi great?

Also all the girls are so pretty and kind, like how many organs do I need to donate to get a girlfriend like that?

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