Chapter 25

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His knees were shaking and his breathing was rough. He had never been so scared in his entire life. Every fiber of his body told him to run, get away, yet he didn't. Yoongi rubbing his thumb over Hoseok's shaking hands convinced him to stay. He desperately wished the elder didn't have this effect on him, at the same time he praised it. However he was feeling he was still standing on the precipice of annihilation.

"Ready?" Yoongi asked looking down. Hoseok shook his head erratically. The elder just gave him a comforting smile.

"I'm here with you." He said before turning around. "stay close to me." He muttered before stepping off the edge.

In his quick downfall he pulled Hoseok down with him. The younger let out some whimpers, trying his best not to scream, which he failed doing when he saw the ground coming closer. He clenched his eyes shut. Tears pricked in his eyes both because of the wind and of fear. The strong air pulled at his face and his uniform jacket. He was cold yet in a heat fuelled by adrenaline. He was falling and it felt like it was never going to end.

"You can stop screaming." Yoongi suddenly spoke. Hoseok carefully opened his eyes.

He realised they had come to a halt. They were no longer falling, they were flying. They were just floating in mid-air like seagulls during a storm. Hoseok was still shaking just slightly but also relieved that they were alright. He had expected them to fall to their deaths, he had expected this to be the end. It seemed they were to go on for a bit longer.

Hoseok carefully looked down at the world beneath him. The bricks roads seemed small just like the lights that shone from the houses. It made him wonder why some people were still up at this hour. It also made him hope that he wasn't the cause of their awakening with his loud screams.

When he looked further down he felt a shiver run down his spine. He was really high up and there was nothing beneath him to catch him. He was floating on his own, doing something he wasn't sure he could do perfectly, and he was doing it in a life or death situation. If he were to stop floating now he'd simply plunge to his death.

Hoseok grabbed Yoongi's wrists stronger making the older flinch, he let out a quiet whimper. He pulled one of his wrists away making Hoseok pull his entire body closer instead. They were now hugging in mid-air, or at least Hoseok was.

"It's alright." Yoongi said carefully letting go of Hoseok's other wrist to put them in a more comfortable position. He wrapped his arms around the younger. He could feel Hoseok's heart beating erratically, how he hoped it was because of his fear of heights. Both knew that was not the case, Yoongi's heart was just the same.

The fact was they were too close. Yoongi could feel Hoseok's fast breathing on his neck, his pants in his ear. He could feel every tremble of his muscles and every heartbeat. Yoongi felt almost bad for putting his friend in this situation, but at the same time he knew that once Hoseok would calm down flying would be amazing.

"There's no need to be afraid, look." Yoongi said slowly letting go of Hoseok, to the dislike of both of them.

He ran his hands from Hoseok's lower back to his shoulders, and then down his arm. That way he wouldn't have to let go of Hoseok so suddenly. Hoseok slowly let go, relaxing completely in Yoongi's touch. He floating away a bit, running his hands over Hoseok's arms in the proces. He loosely touched his fingertips before letting go completely. They were floating opposite each other, both completely independent.

"I'm not doing anything. You're floating all by yourself." Yoongi said taking another step back to illustrate his point.

Hoseok still looked scared but also accomplished. His legs were still shaking even though he wasn't leaning on them.

"I've never been so scared in my entire life." Hoseok said with a shaking voice. Yoongi just smiled at him. The younger let out a chuckle. It was starting to down on him that he was actually flying.

"Now that you can float, do you think you can fly?" Yoongi asked floating closer towards him. "come, try to move forward." He added.

Hoseok leaned forward carefully, trying his best not to topple over. He held his arms out for balance, stepping forward. Slowly but surely he was floating towards Yoongi. He had the widest smile on his face while doing so, one that melted away all his fear. Yoongi couldn't help but copy it hearing Hoseok's small laugh.

They went on like that for a couple minutes before Hoseok got tired and his flying became unstable. Even though the adrenaline had woken him up, it couldn't keep him awake for long. That and it was starting to get cold. Both of them still needed to sleep at least for some hours so they decided to go back.

Yoongi took Hoseok's hand and pulled him up. Together they flew back towards their dorm. They decided that walking back from the tower to their room would make too much noise. They got away with passing once, twice would be too much of a stretch. Luckily Hoseok had left the window open, which was big enough to let them through. Or at least let Yoongi through, Hoseok was a bit of a struggle.

Yoongi stood inside their room trying to help him through. He held his arms and tried to pull him in. With a bit of struggle he eventually fell through the window, quickly losing his balance due to Yoongi pulling him forward. Of course there was only one direction in which he could fall, right towards his friend. With a bit too much power in fact. They almost fell over but luckily Yoongi remained standing.

Still they stood the same way they did in the air, their minds alike. Their chests were pressed against each other, now in complete comfort. They remained standing like that just because they wanted to. Not because Hoseok was scared or because Yoongi felt bad, just because they cared about each other and wished the other to be that close.

"I wanted to ask you something." Yoongi suddenly spoke. His voice was hardly louder than a whisper.

"Shoot away." Hoseok said. His usual chirpy tone sounded just slightly sleep deprived.

"I want to visit my father earlier." Yoongi said. "in fact tomorrow."

Hoseok raised an eyebrow even though his friend couldn't see it. "What made you change your mind? I thought you didn't want to see your father."

"I did. I don't know. I just want to get it over and done with." Yoongi said. His tone didn't sound convincing but Hoseok decided not to push it.

He just slowly let go of his friend and looked at him. Even in the darkness Yoongi's eyes seemed to shine. The moonlight framed his face perfectly, from the wrinkles around his eyes to his peach coloured lips. It took Hoseok all of his self control not to pull him closer and close that last gap between them. It was even more of a struggle to walk back to his side of the room.

"We should go to sleep, we have classes tomorrow." He spoke taking off his jacket.

Yoongi just nodded still half in a daze. "Yeah." He simply said. Hoseok couldn't help but notice the slight hint of disappointment in his voice. He wondered if he did something wrong.

Hey people, guess who's back, sorta? I'm still on hiatus but I will try to write at least some parts until then again. Some of you might know that I have updated my other BTS fanfiction Kill Our Way To Heaven  twice last week. I'll try to write some chapters on this book as well since I have a lot of ideas and I'm too addicted to writing to not write anything for another month.

Also in this chapter there is a hint of something that's gonna be quite important in the rest of the book, let's see who can find it first. It's something that Yoongi does that doesn't quite fit.

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