Chapter 37

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Hoseok ran up the stairs ignoring the stares from his fellow students as well as Yoongi's pleades for him to slow down. His legs were carrying him faster than ever before. He didn't even  know where he was running, just anywhere where he felt safe.

Once he reached the dorm he ran in, throwing the door shut behind him. By doing so he almost hit Yoongi in the face. The elder just ignored the passive agressive action and walked into the dorm after him, closing the door. He was out of breath.

Hoseok sat down on the bed holding his head and bowing his form. His fingers were tangled in his hair, pulling at it to keep the tears at bay. He didn't know what to think.

Yoongi sighed and sat down next to him. With a hesitant hand he rubbed circles on Hoseok's back. "It's alright." He said. "everything is going to be fine."

Hoseok just kept quiet, not even bothering looking up. His brain was floaded with questions and desperate thoughts. His village got attacked and the chances of survival were slim. They didn't stand a chance whatsoever.

He thought of his little sister. Her smile was gone. Instead her face was painted with fear, tears leaking from her eyes, blood trickling down her face. That's how he imaged her to be right then in her last moments. That was probably the best she could look during a barbaric attack.

He couldn't wrap his head around it. She couldn't be dead. They couldn't be dead. His father would protect them. They probably ran somewhere into the woods. They were probably still out there, alone and hurt. The army would reach them again soon.

"I have to go back." Hoseok suddenly concluded. Yoongi just blinked in confusion at his statement.

"What?" He asked letting go of his friend.

"I swore I would protect them, they are probably wounded and without homes. I have to help them." Hoseok explained before standing up. He walked towards his desser and took out his bag. He hadn't used it since he came here. He had wished the only time he'd see his travel bag again was when he would return home at the end of his studies. How wrong he was. 

"You're not actually considering leaving, are you?" Yoongi asked standing up.

Hoseok opened up more drawers and started to pack. "What does it look like, hyung?" He asked not even sparing him a glance.

"You can't just leave! You can't just leave everything behind you've built here!" Yoongi yelled, Hoseok just ignored him and finished packing the things from his drawer.

"Do you think Jin is just going to drop everything and leave as well?" Yoongi asked, getting angrier by the second.

"I don't care what he does-" Hoseok started but his hyung interrupted him lead by anger and shock.

"No he won't, because it is a dumb-arse thing to do!" Yoongi said raising his voice even more. Hoseok put down whatever he was packing and looked up meeting his eyes. The sadness in them let guilt creep up just slightly.

"Listen, Yoongi, that village is all I have. I've lived there all my life, those people are my family. And I swore that as the sorcerer of that village I would protect them and I failed." He said slowly. "if there is anything I can still do for them, anything at all, then I will." He added going back to packing, shoving his old clothes messily into the bag.

"Hoseok, you can't help them. Your village is gone. If anyone survived they're most likely taken prisoner, and if they managed to escape they're still mortally wounded." Yoongi explained in a voice just as calm. It did the complete opposite for Hoseok only making him more stressed.

"Exactly! People might still be there! And if I would have been able to save them and they died because I stayed here I would never be able to forgive myself." Hoseok said raising his voice again. Desperation was evident in both his tone and eyes. Tears were close to slipping out.

"They're already dead! If you go back there all you will find are corpses and ash! Can't you see that you're returning to nothing?!" Yoongi yelled even louder.

That was when Hoseok snapped. The thoughts of his family being burned down, having died a horrible death. It was all just too much. He couldn't take it. That couldn't happen to his little Dawon and his brave father.

He slammed his fist down on the desk making it shake furiously. "You wouldn't understand! You don't have a family!" He yelled the loudest of all.

The direct second after the words had left his mouth he realised what he had just said. For just a second the pain was evident in Yoongi's eyes before he covered it up with another layer of static.

For Yoongi family was a very touchy subject. He did have a family. He had one for only one day and then lost it, taken away by illness. And now Hoseok had pushed it right in his face.

"Hyung, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't hav-" Hoseok started with a trembling voice.

"Get out." Yoongi interrupted him. The coldness in his tone sent shivers down Hoseok's spine.

"I didn't mean it, please I'm so-" Hoseok started again.

"Get out now you can still walk." Yoongi said through gritted teeth. The anger was evident in his tone. He was desperately holding himself back.

In that moment whatever friendship was between them before was gone. Yoongi was too angry at him to even remotely listen to him. Just looking at Hoseok caused him pain. Both of them knew that Yoongi would not hesitate to hurt him, right now it did not matter to him.

Hoseok quickly grabbed his bags and walked out of the room. He closed the door behind him.

As he walked down the hall he could hear the sounds of wood breaking and Yoongi sobbing. They were haunting. To know that the was the one to have caused them, it twisted his insides.

Other students looked at him in confusion. Some of them had sympathetic looks on their faces. Hoseok just ignored them all making his way downstairs.

I'm really excited for this chapter and the next so I can't help but update, okay?

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