Chapter 36

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The sunlight tickled his face as well as the grass beneath him. For the first time in forever it was actually warm enough to stay outside for a longer period of time. So that's what they were doing now. Just relaxing in the back garden, reading some books and occasionally watching Taehyung and Jungkook throw and catch a small fireball. It was something very mundane here, as Hoseok had learned. It was a normal game to kill time, just like hide and seek was for normal people.

As Taehyung jumped to catch it the floating flame changed directions and flew out of his grasp. In a last attempt to catch it he landed on the grass below him. They all laughed, including Taehyung who rubbed his arm in pain. Jungkook laughed as well and speeded towards him, helping him up.

Jimin watched them like a hawk as Jungkook brushed off some grass and sand. Taehyung's smile disappeared when he saw the warning look. Jungkook turned around, following his boyfriend's gaze, only to let it land on his brother. He returned the same warning glance jokingly before continuing the game a bit further away from the group.

"When are you going to accept that they're a thing?" Hoseok asked leaning over to talk to the younger.

"How about never?" Jimin said, his eyes still on the couple who were once again laughing.

"That's a bit harsh, don't you think?" Jin said looking up from the flowers in front of him. Jimin just shrugged.

"I just don't think Taehyung is good enough for my brother." He said pulling out some grass as a way to vent his anger.

"If Taehyung isn't good enough for him than nobody is. Look at how happy they are, Jimin." Jin continued.

Jimin couldn't bring himself to look up again. He just kept his eyes focused on the grass. "It's just... Kookie is very sensitive and I don't want him to get hurt." The young sorcerer said. His voice suddenly sounded sadder than before.

"Awe, look at you being the protective older brother. But don't worry, he won't, Taehyung's a good guy." Hoseok said nudging Jimin with a grin on his face.

Jimin looked up, almost begging the others for advice with his gaze.

"They're right, you know." Namjoon said looking up from his book. "I'm not extremely good with emotions but I can see Jungkook is very happy with Taehyung by his side." He added gesturing towards the couple.

Jimin looked towards his eldest friend. Yoongi was just leaning against the tree, his gaze nowhere in particular. When he saw Jimin looking at him to say something he just nodded.

"They're cute." He quickly said. At that moment Jimin threw up his arms in defeat. He laid back in the grass and closed his eyes, trying to recollect his thoughts.

The tranquillity around them got interrupted by the ringing of the alarm bells. The natives stood up looking over the city. There wasn't a fire anywhere, that could only mean one thing.

"What's going on?" Hoseok asked not sure of what to do. Jin, Namjoon and Taehyung gave the same unknowing look.

"I think a telegram came in, but the announcement type." Yoongi said pushing himself up. "anyone going down with me?"

Jungkook walked towards him but got interrupted by Jimin standing up. "I'll go with him, you stay here with the others, okay?" He said.

Jungkook looked annoyed but nodded. He knew that right now many people were curious. They wanted to know what was going on, the alarm bells were raised after all. They would all sprint to the city halls, pushing and pulling at an attempt to see the message board. Things could get rough and Jimin didn't want his little brother to get trembled over, even though he was smaller and less strong than him.

Hoseok watched them until they turned a corner and disappeared out of view.

"Do the alarm bells get raised often?" He asked. Jungkook shook his head.

"Public announcements are a really big thing. Not even deaths or murders get announced like this. Something must really be wrong." He explained with fear in his voice.

Suddenly Hoseok felt a lot more scared of what was on that piece of paper. He bit his nails and tapped his fingers until the two elders returned. The looks on their faces didn't mean anything good. At times like this Hoseok wished he could read minds like his roommate. Sadly he just had to wait for an answer.

Yoongi walked towards them looking at the many confused gazes. He quickly exchanged a look with Jimin who gestured he should tell the news.

"Jeoggun has declared war on us." Yoongi said in a trembling voice.

Everyone was shocked. Hoseok however was completely lost. He thought the neighbouring country was friendly and that they had good ties. How wrong he was. At times like this he realised how cut off from the rest of the world his little village was.

"They readied their army and pushed past the borders yesterday attacking a couple villages." Yoongi said in a sadder tone.

Hoseok felt the knot in his stomach grow. His village was right at the border. It wouldn't take long before the army would be there, maybe they were already there. That's when he noticed Yoongi and Jimin's nervous looks.

"And?" Hoseok asked, tears already appearing in the corners of his eyes.

"They have attacked Iljeog." Yoongi spoke hardly louder than a whisper.

It was at that moment that Hoseok's world collapsed. He could feel his legs getting weak and his heart skip two beats. His home had been attacked. His home without warriors, without any mean of defence had gotten attacked by an army.

His thoughts wandered back to his vision. Houses ablaze, people screaming, ashes surrounding them and growing more evident as his village dissappeared in warmth. That wasn't the forest catching on fire, that was a rampage. The people weren't screaming to each other to extinguish the fire, they were screaming out of fear. They were running from their inevitable deaths, not to get water.

One single tear ran down his cheek. He wasn't sobbing or sniffling, for that he was still too shocked. Hoseok looked to his left and saw that Jin wasn't doing any better. He was being hugged by Namjoon, sobs breaking through his body.

When Hoseok looked back he saw that Yoongi was right in front of him. "Are you okay?" He asked yet his voice sounded muffled.

Hoseok shook his head before running into the Academy, Yoongi following him and yelling at him to stop. He didn't listen.


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