Chapter 18

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After his classes Yoongi decided it was time to talk to Mr. Dae before he would forget. Throughout the entire day he had been busy studying now that more important tests were coming up. He might be more powerful but he still needed to study for theory.

He walked down to the basement floor. That was where Mr. Dae would most likely be. That was where his classrooms were after all. Most of the time he would be either there or in the library if he needed a book that wasn't in his cabinets. Truly he was much like Yoongi.

The black-haired man walked through the cold corridors letting his fingers slide over the stone walls until he reached the room he was looking for. He looked around the open space, ther was no one to be see. He knocked on the door to catch the attention of anyone that might be in there somewhere. "Mr. Dae?" He called out.

Footsteps sounded through the hall. Only a second later a familiar man walked out of the cabinet. He was holding two flasks and had a plant of some sort under his armpit.

"Ah, Yoongi, yes." He said once he spotted the other sorcerer. He quickly put the objects down on his desk, careful not to drop anything.

"You wanted to see me?" Yoongi asked walking further into the classroom. The teacher nodded.

"Yes, I wanted to know how your medication has been helping lately, you know with the new recipe and all." The teacher explained.

"Well, it has actually been helping. I've been able to sleep more and-" Yoongi explained before getting interrupted by the elder.

"Hang on, let me get my notebook." Mr. Dae said sprinting to his desk and taking out a small, black book and a pen. "sit down and continue." He said sitting down himself. Yoongi followed his example and sat down in the chair in front of his desk.

"Well I've been able to sleep better without getting interrupted by dreams and thoughts of others. I also have been able to control my mind reading a lot easier. It doesn't as much feel like I am straining myself but more like I'm kind of zoning out." Yoongi explained. Mr. Dae nodded jotting some notes down on the paper.

"And what about the other aspects of your magic? Does it effect anything else?" He asked. Yoongi thought for a second.

"Not that I have noticed." He concluded.

"So no side effects?" The teacher asked. Yoongi shook his head.

For as far as he knew it wasn't affecting his health nor his magic. It seemed the perfect medicine. He had never felt so great before.

"How long do you estimate the medicine works?" Mr. Dae asked.

"Well, as soon as I take it, it works. Its effects wear off after maybe a day? I think less. When I go to bed I am still good but when I wake up I'm back to normal again. So I guess it grows weaker during the night." Yoongi explained. Mr. Dae nodded in understanding.

"I suggest you take it twice a day. Maybe when you wake up and before you go to sleep? If it doesn't have any side effects you should be alright even if you take too much. Let me know how that works out." He thought out loud. Yoongi nodded agreeing to the plan.

Mr. Dae let out a happy sigh. "This is all great to hear, no one has been able to find a cure for this since only a few people suffer from powers like yours. I'm very glad we have found something that works." Mr. Dae said with a smile and an enthusiastic tone. He knew this would be a breakthrough for him.

"Yeah, me too. I've never felt this calm and clear-minded before." Yoongi said. Mr. Dae nodded with a smile.

"If that was all I'd like to return to my studies now." Yoongi said standing up. Mr. Dae held up his hand.

"Hang on, I found a book you might be interested in." He said before walking to the cabinet and pulling out a black, leather-bound book. He handed it to Yoongi. There was no title on it. Yoongi quickly scanned through the first few pages. They were filled with weird incantations and drawings. All spells seemed incohesive and the drawings seemed more like rituals than illustrations. He already knew what this was.

"I based your new medication on this book." Mr. Dae explained. "I figured you might find it intriguing."

Yoongi looked up from the pages. "This is dark magic." He said. The teacher nodded.

"It indeed is." He said. Yoongi held out the book for teacher to take back, the latter didn't do so. He just looked at the book not touching it with one finger.

"Why are you handing it back? I thought you would be interested." Mr. Dae said.

"I'm not doing dark magic. It's dangerous, illegal and just plain wrong." Yoongi concluded pushing the book further towards his teacher. Just holding it felt wrong. The darkness contained in these books were enough crooked wisdom to darken the entire world, and he wanted nothing to do with it.

"Correction; it is illegal because it is dangerous, but it is only dangerous when you don't know what you're doing. I was able to cure you without any troubles, wasn't I?" Mr. Dae said pushing the book back towards Yoongi. "don't let stories of people weaker than you scare you away. Most are not strong enough to handle the spells, you however are an exception to this."

"Are you actually expecting me to cast forbidden magic in the Academy?" Yoongi asked.

"No, of course not. I'm just saying that you would be able to. You have enough power to use this magic properly Yoongi. It would be just another spell for you." Mr. Dae explained. Yoongi's expression didn't change, nor did his mind. The teacher sighed. "you can also just read it, educate yourself a bit as to what magic can actually do."

Yoongi thought for a second. There was no trouble in reading, was there? As long as he didn't actually cast a spell he would be alright. Even reading books related to black magic was restricted, however would it actually put him in any danger? Yoongi didn't think so.

"Alright." He answered holding the book closer. Mr. Dae smiled.

"I'm proud of you Yoongi. I'm sure you'll make a great a powerful sorcerer, even better than Merlin himself." He said. Yoongi couldn't help but feel flattered, he also knew that Mr. Dae was just trying to get on his side. His voice was one made to convince people, and it was working.

Yoongi quickly nodded thankfully and walked towards the exit. He didn't want to stay here any longer than needed.

"Oh, and Yoongi." The teacher called making the younger turn around. "maybe it's best if we keep this between us. Not all sorcerers in this Academy are as open to change as us."

Yoongi quickly nodded. "I will." He exited the room.

He had no idea what he was getting himself into. He just knew that once he had opened that book there was no going back.

Quick note; don't trust Mr. Dae.

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