Chapter 11

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"I told you Mr. Jun was a pain in the ass." Yoongi said as they walked through the halls back to their dorm.

"Well I didn't expect him to give us a test in the first class." Hoseok said in his defence.

"That's the problem with you, you always expect the best of people." Yoongi said unlocking their room and opening the door. He walked in and took of his jacket throwing it on the chair. Summer was coming closer and it was getting hotter in the Academy. Sadly they still had to wear the warm school uniforms regardless of the temperature outside. They were basically cooking at this point.

Hoseok followed the male with his eyes, letting his gaze linger a bit longer than he intended. He just couldn't help it.

"You must get disappointed often." Yoongi added looking back at his roommate.

Hoseok was lost in his thoughts. None of the thoughts Yoongi could read however.

There was a pressure on his head weighing heavier and heavier until he felt like his head was going to explode. His body grew weak in a matter of seconds, the strength in his legs falling apart like a sand castle when a wave ran over it. He held himself up by leaning against the doorframe. Oh god, not again.

"Hoseok?" Yoongi asked his smile now replaced by a look of concern.

All words Hoseok thought of were blocked out. He felt like he was screaming both only empty echoes came out of his throat. He couldn't speak. He couldn't tell Yoongi to just let him be.

All he could do was hold his head in agony as he dropped to the floor. Yoongi sprinted towards him kneeling down beside his friend.

"Hoseok?!" He yelled trying to get his attention. Hoseok had gone far away from the world around him. His eyes fluttered shut as he started to shake and whimper in pain.

All he could see was fire. Trees twice as high as the houses were set ablaze. He knew where he was, his hometown. All of it was threatened to turn to ashes. He heard his sister yelling at father to get water. People were running and crying. And as always Hoseok could only watch. He couldn't speak, he couldn't move. He could do just as little as in the world that was actually around him.

"You're not having... are you?" Yoongi thought out loud before leaning over his roommate. Carefully he pulled one of Hoseok's eyes open.

What should be a black abyss was now turned to a colourful mixture of fire. Yoongi could see his soul burning inside of him. A vision. He had heard of it before yet he had never seen anyone get it. He didn't know how to stop it, he only knew how dangerous they could be. He had to take action.

He threw one of Hoseok's arms around his shoulders and moved his own under Hoseok's fragile body. Carefully he picked him up. Luckily Hoseok was less heavy than he expected. As fast as he could Yoongi carried the younger to help. It took way longer than he intended. Yoongi wasn't the strongest.

Eventually he reached the infirmary. He was welcomed by a white, empty room. Twelve beds were placed on the sides of the room all perfectly made. Some myth was painted on the ceiling in pastel colours. Everything about the room seemed serene and calm, at least until the black-haired boy ran in.

"I need help!" Yoongi yelled. In only a few seconds a familiar woman walked into the room. She wore a white apron and a concerned look. Yoongi recognised her as the school nurse.

"Put him down." She said helping Yoongi put Hoseok down on one of the beds.

"What is going on?" The nurse asked trying to stay calm. It was turning Yoongi even more crazy.

"He's having a vision." He quickly explained. The nurse's face turned twice as pale. She leaned towards the shaking boy and opened one of his eyes just like Yoongi had done before.

She sighed and ran a hand through her black locks. "I know how to treat it but I can't visions when he's in the middle of one." She explained.

"Why not?" Yoongi almost yelled.

"Pulling someone out of a vision takes a lot of power. This isn't light magic we're dealing with. Seeing the severity of his state I can't help him right now, that'd be too dangerous." The nurse explained.

Yoongi sighed and ran his hand through his hair pulling it. He looked at his friend. Sweat was on his forehead. He was shaking, some tears ran down his face and dropped on his uniform. Weak whimpers left his lips. There was no doubt that Hoseok was in pain even though he couldn't feel it right now. Yoongi couldn't stand it. It made his heart ache more than he'd admit.

"Would a stronger sorcerer be able to do it?" Yoongi asked. The nurse gave him a confused look.

"Why are you asking?" She asked.

"Just answer me." Yoongi said not giving any shits about being polite anymore.

"Yes, maybe." The nurse said still not grasping the situation.

"I'll pull him out." Yoongi said sitting on the side of the bed. The nurse looked at him with a stern expression. "I'm a first generation sorcerer, I'm strong enough." He added.

"You can't do that! You've never done that before! You can't put yourself in danger like that!" The nurse yelled.

"Like I care. He is my friend and he is hurting, I can't just let him go on like this!" Yoongi yelled matching the nurse's tone.

"You're going against every rule in this school holds. You have no idea what you're doing!" The nurse yelled trying to stop him.

"Then teach me, quickly. There is no way I'm just going to let him hurt like this, you might as well tell me what to do because otherwise I'll just figure it out myself." Yoongi said with his voice suddenly calm. The nurse met his gaze. She knew there was no changing his mind.

"Focus on his energy, eventually you will enter his vision. Tell him to wake up or to let go of what he sees and you will both get out unharmed." She explained slowly.

"Okay." Yoongi said. He took a deep breath in trying to control his own emotions as good as possible. He lifted his hands to put them on Hoseok's head. The nurse grabbed them mid-air.

"Listen to me, if anything goes wrong, you get back here. Understood?" Her voice was suddenly stern again. Yoongi just nodded pulling his hands away from her grasp.

He only had one shot at this.

Feel the Fire (Yoonseok) ✔Where stories live. Discover now