Chapter 21

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"What was that all about?" Hoseok asked walking into his room. The black-haired man on the bed just shrugged.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He said leaning more onto his shoulders. A fake innocence was displayed on his face.

"Well," Hoseok said closing the door behind him. "I surely wasn't the person to keep those flames off my hand, and I saw a very familiar black mop of hair run away right after."

"What can I say, you were in trouble so I helped out a bit." Yoongi said after a bit of silence. He casted his gaze downwards to his feet which he tapped on the floor.

"You realise without you my grade would've been insufficient? You basically made me cheat on a test." Hoseok said.

"You realise I don't fucking care?" Yoongi looking up again. His tone was similar to Hoseok's yet his message was completely different. The younger was dumbfounded at his friend's behaviour. Normally Yoongi cared a lot about school and wanted to play fair at everything. How was this different? Right now it did not matter. He had helped him and he had gotten the best grade in his class.

Hoseok scoffed. "Fine, thank you." He said. Yoongi pulled a confused face.

"Are you here to scold me or to thank me? Make you mind up, man." He said with a small chuckle. He had surely not expected this answer.

"Both." Hoseok simply said.

"Fair enough." Yoongi said with a sigh. He scooched over and patted on the bed next to him. Hoseok gave him a confused look but walked forwards anyway. The elder took his wrist and pulled him down next to him. Hoseok hesistantly sat down.

"What are you doing?" Hoseok asked. Yoongi didn't respond. He just grabbed Hoseok's hand, accidently pressing a bit too hard on his burns. The younger hissed in pain.

Yoongi mumbled a quick sorry loosening his grip somewhat. The pain slowly disappeared, but only off Hoseok's face.

Yoongi wrapped his fingers around Hoseok's hands carefully, he let his energy build up in his palms. The younger connected easily. They had done this so many times by now that it cost hardly any energy. They were like a key and a lock, they were changed and carved over and over until they fit together perfectly. Once they had found each other they couldn't let go again. Surely they could change again to fit someone else, but they were still made for each other in the end.

Hoseok felt how Yoongi moved his energy to his fingers. It felt as if a wave of cold water washed over his skin taking away any pain or wounds. He could feel his how his skin was healing, his blisters disappearing completely. His cells were regenerating and his skin was cooling. Hoseok smiled seeing his skin return to a normal colour again. He could finally move his fingers without hurting.

Yoongi ran his thumb over Hoseok's palm a couple times to check if his wounds were really healed. The younger relaxed completely in his touch, letting his fingers curl up and wrap around Yoongi's thumb. The black-haired man moved his fingers just slightly so they could intertwine them.

It was funny how without words they knew exactly what the other wanted. Just simple touches on someone's knuckles were enough. They just connected so well and felt so comfortable around each other, it was something neither of them had ever felt before.

"When will I learn healing?" Hoseok asked amazed at Yoongi's skill.

"You'll start in a few months but you won't be able to actually heal someone until later the second year. It's harder than it seems. Just turning your energy into something is normal but converting your energy into someone else's and still being able to move it around is difficult." Yoongi explained in a calm tone.

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