Chapter 43

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The following weeks their exchanges were cold. Every time they'd cross gazes in the library, Hoseok would look away. Every time they bumped against each other in the hall, Hoseok would pick up his pace, quickly disappearing into a classroom. And every time the elder would reach out for his hand, he would quickly turn away. It was slightly to make a point to Yoongi, but mostly because he was scared. He feared for the pain that raked through his body that day, it was worse than anything he had ever felt. His muscles ached for days, the burn mark stayed for weeks. And he feared that he would go through it again if he got too close more than anything.

His plans to stop Yoongi were pretty much non-existent at this point. He knew even his thoughts weren't his own. Yoongi could intrude in his mind at any time. One wrong move and he was done for.

Concentrating on classes got harder and harder. He simply didn't have the energy for it anymore. Every day he'd hide from Yoongi for as long as possible before heading back to his dorm in the middle of the night only to leave as the first rays peeked through the window. It was the only place where he couldn't avoid Yoongi, still he tried his best.

Another reason was the constant dull pain in his chest. After a couple days had past Hoseok knew it wasn't just from the spell, it was because of Yoongi himself. The man broke him. He had let himself fall for the elder, even worse; he allowed their relationship a chance. Sadly Yoongi threw it away just as easily.

The thoughts were constantly clouding his mind, sadness and sleep deprivation were slowly catching up with him. Studying became more difficult, using magic became more difficult. Hoseok was well aware of what could happen if he bottled up his magic, but in that moment he didn't care. At least if he had a vision it would give him a couple of nights away from the dark sorcerer. Maybe the headache would even cloud the pain inside his head.

All seemed thrown out the window when Hoseok walked into his dorm a couple days later. Yoongi should have classes but there he was, sitting cross-legged on his bed with a book on his lap. The young sorcerer took a moment to access the situation. All he needed was a text book from his bedside drawer, then he could leave. Yoongi was on the other side of the room anyway. He kept the door open just in case he needed to make a run for it.

"You've been avoiding me." Yoongi stated, not looking up from his book. Hoseok kept quiet, walking towards his side of the room and opening the drawer.

"And ignoring as well apparently." Yoongi added. Hoseok just quickly took his book, kicking the drawer closed and making his way back to the door.

Almost like a déjà vu the door shut again. Hoseok panicked, trying to open the door with force. It didn't budge whatsoever. He started pounding on it, trying to alert someone as the elder walked closer.

"Make all the noise you want, most students have class now anyways." Yoongi said. Hoseok stopped and turned around. The dark sorcerer was right in front of me.

"What do you want from me? I haven't done anything wrong." Hoseok said, extremely scared of the man in front of him.

Yoongi just reached out. Hoseok turned his head away and shut his eyes, almost afraid of what was about to happen. The atmosphere changed however when Yoongi took his hand, loosely intertwining their fingers.

Hoseok could immediately feel the energy running through it. He felt different. It was almost as if Yoongi's energy had grown heavier, more tainted. It was a weird feeling. Still their souls intertwined just as easily.

Even though he hated to admit it, he had missed this. The comforting feeling, the warmth, the feeling of protection when they locked energy. He felt himself relax slowly. Even though his heart was still beating erratically at least his thoughts had calmed down.

"You've been depriving your magic. You know what will happen if you let it go on like that." Yoongi said, running his thumb over Hoseok's palm.

"Why would you care?" Hoseok asked snapping his voice just slightly. Still he didn't move away. Something inside of him told him not to. No matter how scared he was that Yoongi would snap again he stood his ground. 

"Because I do, because I still do." The elder said with a soft yet raised voice. He tried to meet Hoseok's gaze but the sorcerer just looked away. He kept his eyes focused on their intertwined fingers, not moving at all. 

"Then why did you hurt me?" He asked with a cracking voice. Yoongi's hold on his hand tightened. His fingers were almost trembling in between Hoseok's. 

"I don't, I don't know. I just... I lost control. It won't happen again." The elder said sounding just as fragile and scared. The one difference was that he wasn't afraid of the other, he was afraid of himself. Hoseok just chuckled.

"Do you know how that spell felt?" He asked looking up. Yoongi's eyes were filled with guilt, he knew the younger's words would destroy him. "it felt as if all my tendons and muscles were ripped, twisted and pulled all at the same time. I felt as if I was getting electrocuted and burned all together. I actually felt as if I was dying, sadly I didn't so I still felt everything. The worst thing was you didn't stop until I was so close to blacking out that I fell to the floor." 

Hoseok let a tear slip past his eyes. His hands were trembling as was his breathing. He was angry, sad and heartbroken, and all because of the man in front of him which he cared for so greatly. 

"And now you have the guts to hold me in my own room and apologise like this?" Hoseok said more as a statement than an actual question. His voice was low, still in his faint whispers every inch of his anger was shown.

Yoongi's face was devoid of any emotion. He just looked at the tears rolling down his boyfriend's face as if they were completely alien to him. He knew he was the cause, he knew he felt guilty about it but he couldn't show it. It was as if as soon as he felt any kind of remorse against his actions they were erased from his mind completely. 

Hoseok huffed. "But you don't even care, do you?" He said turning away. For a short second his fingers left Yoongi's grip. Only a moment after his entire wrist was grabbed, holding him in place.

"I do. If I could turn back what I did I would, trust me. The thing is, I can't, Hoseok. So what do you want me to do?" Yoongi almost spat, still there was a slight begging tone in his voice.

Hoseok thought for a second even though he already knew the answer. "Stop with dark magic." He said before breaking free from the elder's grasp. Yoongi didn't try to catch him a second time, instead he backed off. 

"You don't understand, Hoseok. I can't." He spoke. "and you can't make me." 

Hoseok could feel the anger rising in the room. He immediately backed off and sprinted back towards the door. To his surprise it actually opened, revealing a familiar face. Both Yoongi and Hoseok stopped talking without hesitation.

"What are you doing here?" Hoseok asked him. 

"I had to get you guys, the principal wants to make an announcement." Taehyung said. "is everything alright?" He asked looking from Hoseok's scared expression to the distance between him and his roommate.

"Yeah, we're fine." Hoseok quickly said. He feared what Yoongi would do if someone found out the truth more than anything. He knew that once Yoongi's reputation was thrown out the window, so was his self-control. He had no rules for himself and a school full of enemies, and with Yoongi's powers that would cause a catastrophe. 

ANNOUNCEMENT TIME; due to school I've started a new writing schedule. This book will be updated on Mondays from now on. I actually wanted to update this on Monday this week as well but I didn't get around to doing it, so yeah. 

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