Chapter 16

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Hoseok looked at his palm in disappointment. "Come on." He said concentrating and shaking it again. Nothing happened. Flames should be dancing over his fingertips right now yet he couldn't do it.

It was the first spell in the book. Everyone in the Academy was able to do it, even Jin who had never done any magic at all. Hoseok had been trying for hours now but still he wasn't able to light even a single flame. Not one spark had sprung from his fingertips.

He tried again and again and again until he let out a frustrated groan and laid back on his bed. He was longing for sleep. The sun had already gone down and the stars had started to light up the dark blue sky. He'd have new classes tomorrow and he desperately needed his rest. But first he wanted to do the spell. No matter how many times he'd fail, giving up was not in his dictionary.

That and he worried about Yoongi. His hyung had told him he was going into the city for a walk and he still hadn't come back.

"Are you okay?" A voice asked from the other side of the room. Hoseok jumped, when he looked over he saw Yoongi just standing there.

"How did you get in here?" Hoseok asked looking at the man in confusion.

"Through the window." Yoongi simply said taking off his jacket.

"We're on the eighth floor." Hoseok said watching how his roommate took of his shoes and placed them in the corner of the room. Only then did he see the mud staining Yoongi's trousers.

"So?" Yoongi said not getting what Hoseok was going on about.

"How did you get all the way up here?" Hoseok finally asked not understanding how Yoongi was behaving so lightly about just appearing in the room.

"I think I climbed up using all of my nonexistent muscles." Yoongi said in a joking tone. "I'm a sorcerer, what do you think I did? I flew of course."

Hoseok's eyes almost popped out of his head. "You can fly?" He asked in amazement.

Yoongi simply nodded. "Don't be so surprised, you're gonna learn it soon too." He said.

"Why is there mud on your pants? I thought you said you went to the town?" Hoseok asked completely ignoring Yoongi's answer.

"Why are you still up?" Yoongi asked.

"That's not an answer." Hoseok exclaimed.

"No, it isn't. It's a question. I know it's late Hoseok but try to keep up." Yoongi said. Hoseok just scoffed.

He knew Yoongi didn't want to talk about wherever he had been. They had agreed to tell each other everything the other wanted to know, unless they really didn't want to. That was why Hoseok knew to leave it alone.

"Seriously, why are you still up?" Yoongi asked sitting down on the bed next to Hoseok.

"I'm not able to do the bloody spell." Hoseok said in a frustrated tone. Yoongi smiled and turned the book laying in between them towards him so he could read it.

"The first one?" Yoongi asked confused. Hoseok's cheeks burned a slight pink.

"Well, I did have those visions. And not everyone's a natural like you." Hoseok said.

"Every sorcerer is a natural, otherwise you'd be born a human." Yoongi said putting the book aside. "show me." He said.

Hoseok held up his palm and concentrated. He could feel the power rising in his fingertips. Still in the world around him nothing changed, not even the slightest increase in temperature.

"You're blocking yourself." Yoongi concluded. He held out his hand with his palm towards Hoseok. He took his roommate's hand and pressed their fingers together. Hoseok tried his best to control his now erratically beating heart.

"Close your eyes and feel." Yoongi told him closing his own eyes. Hoseok sighed and copied his roommate's actions.

After a few seconds he could feel the heat rising in Yoongi's fingertips. It wasn't just normal physical warmth. He could feel the magic running through him. He could feel how it twisted and turned around at the ends of his body and then float back again to his heart. It was weird yet comfortable. He had never felt so connected with anyone as he did with Yoongi in that moment.

"How do I know if I'm doing it right?" Hoseok asked still not sure what he was doing.

"You're doing it right if you can feel the fire burning through your veins and can control it." Yoongi told. "feel how your energy slowly gets closer to your fingertips and gathers there. Feel how it transfers into this world and starts to burn."

Hoseok did as he was told letting himself get guided by Yoongi's voice. He could feel his fingertips getting warmer. The oxygen in the room got drawn to his fingertips before getting engulfed by the now spreading flames.

He was aware that Yoongi was also controlling it. He was the one keeping the fire off his skin and also protecting himself in the proces. Still it was Hoseok's energy that was the fuel for the pieces of light dancing on his skin.

He had never liked fire, even less after his vision, but this felt safe. It felt peaceful. He felt safe in Yoongi's presence. When their energies connected like this he like like he was home.

Yoongi felt the same way. He had never had a home, yet with Hoseok that did not seem to matter. They connected in a way that was deeper than any human could ever comprehend. Because at that exact moment their souls were intertwined just as their fingertips.

The flames danced on their knuckles spreading warmth through Yoongi's freezing hands. Hoseok just looked at the magic in awe.

He looked up and met Yoongi's eyes. Those few seconds seemed to last an eternity. A slight blush crept on his cheeks, something he would surely blame on the temperature the flames brought with them. He looked away. From the corner of his eye he swore he could see the same pink-ish colour on the older's cheeks.

He got shaken out of his thoughts by Yoongi's thumb slowly running over his other fingers.

"We should probably go to sleep now, we both have classes tomorrow." Yoongi said.

"Yeah, we probably should." Hoseok said.

And so they did. They laid beside each other, both feeling the fire of love and magic run through their veins. And even when the flames died down, their hands never left each other's warm embrace.

Aye two updates in one day! Things are starting to happen guys.

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