Chapter 8

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Hoseok sat on one of the chairs with a smile plastered on his face. Namjoon and Taehyung sat next to him. Today was the day, the day he'd have his first classes at the Academy. He was really excited. He didn't know what he could expect. He knew nothing so he had a lot to learn.

"Welcome to your first class!" Mr. Ro said in an excited tone letting the chattering in the class die down to a mere whisper. "I'll teach you all about sorcery and how to legally use it along with the history of sorcery."

Hoseok's eyes lit up. To some it might seem boring but he was curious for every class that was on his list. He wanted to improve as much as he could. He wanted to make his father and sister proud. He hadn't left them for nothing. He'd come return home a sorcerer that could pay them back twice as much.

"Today, I'll just keep it at a short introduction." Mr. Ro said. He looked around the classroom. He took in all the students, trying to remember their names.

"First of all, does anyone know what magic is?" He asked.

Taehyung slowly raised his hand. Mr. Ro nodded at him to answer. "Manipulating energy around us." Taehyung answered easily.

"Correct. Everything around you at the moment is filled with energy. Humans have learned to close themselves off for it but we are still open. We can manipulate the elements just by bending their energy and our energy alike." Mr. Ro explained.

Hoseok nodded in interest. He had never known that. For him magic were just sparkles from his fingertips and small flames. That and a headache paired with some visions. He hadn't had those in a few weeks which he was grateful for. He couldn't imagine what would've happened if he had one during his journey.

Namjoon slowly raised his hand. Mr. Ro allowed him to ask his question.

"Does that mean that you can also bend the energy of other people?" Namjoon slowly asked.

Silence got draped over the room. Some already knew the answer, it was common knowledge really. They were all waiting for the teacher to speak.

Mr. Ro thought for a second. His answer could make a difference. Even though he had answered it many times the question was still as important as the first time. He'd have to keep people on the right path.

"Well, yes. In theory you could but that's not allowed. You are only allowed to bend energy of the things around you and your own energy which includes sometimes to use that on other people. Bending other people however is dangerous. It's dark magic. You'd get too much power and it's against human rights. You won't learn that here, or anywhere for that reason." Mr. Ro explained trying to sound both strict and informative. Namjoon nodded bowing his head. He didn't regret asking his question, he only wanted to know.

"You're a curious boy Namjoon, don't waste your talents on the wrong things." Mr. Ro told. Namjoon nodded quickly looking back at his notes lying at the desk before him.

Hoseok's thoughts drifted back to Yoongi. Was reading someone's mind the same as bending someone's energy? After all you went through someone's memory bending their thoughts at your own will. The last time Yoongi looked into his mind he remembered things he didn't before. Yoongi opened a door to memories locked away. Was that bending his energy?

He didn't dare to ask. The entire school would know who he was talking about. He didn't want to cause drama on his first day. The question stayed on his mind for the rest of the lecture refusing to let him pay attention. Time went by faster than he realized. He ended up getting some of his books and sitting at a table with Jimin.

Jimin was still translating Merlin. It was apparently one of the subjects he was struggling with. When it came to doing spells he had no problem at all, he wasn't a bad student. He was good at healing, at spells, at caring for animals and humans alike. However when it came to processing high quantities of text his ability was lacking.

Yoongi often helped him, he helped all of them. Like a private tutor. Yoongi acted like he didn't care but he did, a lot. He was kind even though he had trouble showing it. Most people avoided him unless they wanted his help. Teaming up with Yoongi meant a good grade regardless of how bad you were. Most people took advantage of him for his strengths and then left him because they were too scared of his abilities.

Hoseok looked at himself and wondered if he was any different. He wanted to care for Yoongi, he really did, but his ability to just walk in and out of his mind at his own will scared him to death. He could know everything about him just by doing what he did best. It also comforted him. He wouldn't have to hide act differently with Yoongi. After all there was nothing he could hide from him.

"How can Yoongi read minds?" Hoseok asked turning to the boy beside him. "because not every sorcerer can, right?"

"Yeah that's true." Jimin said looking up from his books.

"Then why can he? Is it just something that's hard to train or?" Hoseok asked.

"No, it's a special ability. It's because he is a first generation soldier." Jimin explained as if it was the most logical thing in the world. Hoseok however was just as confused as before.

"And that is?" He asked.

"Uhm, how to explain this?" Jimin said with a small smile on his face. He thought for a second before he continued talking. "well, magic gets given to random people. From a god, from angels, from the king according to some conspiracy theories. No one really knows where magic comes from because it's not just evolution and genes. People randomly wake up and are able to fly. From then on their power gets spread by inheritance. Each time someone in the family dies his or her powers get transferred to the heirs until then the power is perfectly divided between everyone in the family. Yoongi is the first in his family to have magic and the only one in his family to have magic, so he is more powerful than any of us. Imagine us being a battery and him being a lightning bolt, that kind of difference in power."

Hoseok was in awe at Jimin's words. "Are first generation sorcerers really that powerful?" He asked.

"Well Merlin was a first generation sorcerer, so was Abe no Seimei." Jimin said.

Hoseok nodded. Yoongi was basically destined to be an era defining sorcerer, and he was his roommate.

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