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DIANA WOKE UP THE NEXT MORNING IN HER ROOM WITH A HEADACHE. She blinked, looking around, surprised to find an arm slung around her waist. At first, she thought it was Flash, but she recognized the soft whistle of sleep. Turning her stiff neck, she found none other than Peter Parker asleep in her bed.

Memories of that night came flooding back and she struggled to remember what happened. She decided not to wake him up and instead glanced to her other side, picking up her phone. She usually placed it on her desk.

On her screen were missed text messages from Nicky, detailing what had happened after she fell asleep on top of the rollercoaster.

from: Nicky (3:34 am)
Hey kiddo if you're reading
this then you're okay

from: Nicky (3:34 am)
I'm not mad that you gave me
a heart attack I'm just glad
you're alive

from: Nicky (3:37 am)
Anyways, after that whole mess
cleared up, I showed up with a car
and I took you to the hospital to
see Rosie since Peter was crying
about you having a concussion
or something. She freaked out and I
just told her you hit your head.
Nothing was too wrong thankfully
and I fixed Peter back up at our place.
Rhett dropped you off at home

from: Nicky (3:39 am)
I hope you're alright. I'm not
even mad about the equipment
(okay a little mad) but I'm glad
you're okay

She smiled and sent him a quick text, apologizing and thanking him for helping her. He didn't reply which probably meant he was asleep. Maybe he was using those supplements she bought him. She smiled at the thought.

She turned to look at Peter who was wearing some of Flash's clothes. She wondered how he was able to pull that off. She was about to lie back down when he stirred, stretching various ways, groaning slightly.

"You alright?"

He froze for a moment before visibly relaxing, opening his eyes and looking up at her. He sat up, looking around. "What time is it?"

She showed him her phone. "Nearly noon, so still early. How'd you get in?"

He motioned to his suit on the floor next to the bed. "I climbed in through the window, but Flash heard. I pretended that I had to check up on you and told him I needed an extra set of clothes since I had to rescue Peter Parker. He panicked and threw his clothes at me. I think he forgot I still had his phone 'cause when I knocked on his door to return it, he screamed."

She laughed, throwing her head back. "Good job, Peter."

He smiled. "Thanks." He paused before asking, "Are you okay?"

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