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THINGS ONLY GOT WORSE WITH THE ARRIVAL OF DANNY GLICK. ESPECIALLY WHEN THE BOY DECIDED TO KNOCK ON THEIR DOOR AT ELEVEN AT NIGHT ON A TUESDAY. Jesse had been the one to hear him first, standing up and grabbing the baseball bat next to her door. She woke up Flash who woke up Diana, all three of them making their way to the door, baseball bats in hand.

"Wait," Diana whispered, "Your mom's home tonight." They were standing right by the door, Flash standing on his tiptoes to see through the peephole.

He waved her off, trying to see. "She's tired, let her rest, we can handle this." He sighed and gripped his bat, reaching slowly for the lock.

There was another knock and they all jumped, Jesse hitting the wall with her bat. The two freshman glared at her and she glared back, unlocking the door and throwing it open.

Flash raised up his bat, only to lower it when catching sight of their visitor. It was a boy in a sharp suit and neatly combed hair. He reminded Diana of Harry or the sort of person Harry would be friends with. All casually rich and proper.

"Hello," he said. They all raised their eyebrows at his accent. English. "May I come in?"

Jesse started to nod, but Flash raised a hand. "Why? Who are you? What makes you think you can just knock on our door this late at night and expect to be let in."

He raised an eyebrow, looking down at Flash. "Hm. Rude and forthcoming. That won't look very good for you. Trust me, you're going to want to let me in." He looked over at Diana. "My name is Daniel Glick."

Flash immediately went slack. He placed a hand on Diana's arm. "I'm gonna get mom, take him to the table, Jesse grab some food, lock the door."

Diana motioned the boy inside, confused. "So, Daniel—"

"Danny, please," he said, flashing her a thousand dollar smile. She was surprised, but still wary.

"Alright," she drawled, motioning for him to sit, "Well, Danny, what are you doing here? Are you a family friend?" She glanced at his pale skin and thought back to the blonde woman whom she had thrown her soup at; she later learned she wasn't biological family, but family nonetheless, maybe he was too.

"Yes," he said slowly, possibly trying to drawl in his own way, "I'm related. But not to...them." He said "them" with an air of superiority that made her skin crawl and her blood boil.

"What do you mean?" she asked, crossing her arms.

He smiled a sickly sweet smile that masked the feral, hungry smile underneath. "They didn't tell you? Figures. My name is Danny Glick. I'm your blood cousin."

º º º º º

"Diana. Diana, can you hear me?"

It was like she was underwater. She could hear and see Flash talking to her, but she couldn't focus. She could see Danny watching in vague interest; he seemed to be taking notes.

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