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ALL GOOD THINGS MUST COME TO AN END. IN THIS CASE, IT WAS THE DELICATE STRUCTURE OF HER LIFE. With the quick change of the calendar, her entire world crashed down, as it had every single year. She had felt the buildup, the tensions rise as it neared the date, but it all came to a head when the date was reached.

Peter wasn't there to help her through it.

She hadn't been at school the days nearing the date, Rosie taking pity on her and letting her have her space. She took her dinners in her room as she had normally done and barely spoke to anyone. Peter himself had stopped his visits that week after overhearing Flash explaining the situation to Harry and Gwen.

She had initially tried talking to Nicky, but it had gotten to be too much and she decided to talk to him once it passed.

That Friday, Harry had texted her, asking if Peter had mentioned anything about an internship. When she answered back that she hadn't, he explained that her boyfriend had left school early, breathlessly explaining that he had been chosen for an internship of sorts.

Peter hadn't told her. She tried texting him, but he didn't reply, probably because he was busy.

She knew better than to expect him to conform to her needs and pushed away the selfish thoughts that arose, but she would be lying if she said she didn't wish he was with her.

She was plagued with memories, her mind spinning elaborate fantasies the way it had in the museum all those months ago.

It filled her with the utmost happiness, the kind that tore at her heart and squeezed until it broke. The cruelest form of torture.

She sat on her bed, her heart aching, staring at the pictures she had hidden from everyone else. She only brought them out on that day.

She was home alone, the Thompsons having gone out in the morning with the rest of the city. She had gone with them the first year, but that was the only time. Never again.

She still hadn't cried, but she knew it would only be a matter of time.

She stared up at the ceiling, trying not to scream. She wanted to, but she couldn't even open her mouth.

She didn't want to move or cry or even think. She just wanted it to stop.

She felt her throat close painfully and her eyes start to burn. The tears burned, but were too dry, leaving her gasping for breath that she still had.

She imagined her mother opening the door, bringing her hot chocolate like she always did, her father behind her, lightly arguing that hot chocolate would hurt her throat and water or soup was better.

She would sigh because she always took her parents for granted and take the chocolate, knowing that the water and soup would come later.

Because her parents were still alive, she would probably have more friends and would be texting or Snapchatting them. Maybe she wouldn't even be friends with Gwen or Harry. She liked to think she would, though, but maybe Gwen would be on the cheer squad, but maybe she would too. Maybe Harry would be as cold and as mean as he said he was before. Maybe he had never tried to be better. Maybe she wouldn't because maybe she wouldn't even be friends with Flash. Maybe she would be friends with him and Sally Avril. Maybe she would be friends with Harry or maybe he would ignore them all.

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