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GWEN AND HARRY DIDN'T STOP HUGGING DIANA AND FLASH FOR THE BETTER PART OF TWENTY MINUTES. The two woke up to the sound of Rosie asking the two teenagers if they wanted anything to eat or drink, to which the two replied that they were fine, thank you. They walked into Diana's room, as Flash slept in her bed once returning home, and immediately fell on top of them, pulling them into a big group hug, screaming about how much they loved them and to never nearly die again.

"I didn't almost die," Diana pointed out, "I was outside with Michelle the whole time."

"Doesn't matter, we love you!" Harry cried, trying to pull her towards him despite having his arms and lap full with Flash who was pretending to be miffed at being forced into a hug, despite leaning into Harry.

Gwen dropped her head onto Diana's shoulder. "I don't want you guys to ever leave my sight ever again. I'm taking you with me to Oscorp."

Flash groaned. "I don't wanna go see the fancy technology you're working on, Gwen, it's boring and they won't let me touch anything."

"Have you ever been to my dad's place?" Harry asked.

Flash shook his head. "No, but I bet it's boring."

Gwen scoffed. "It's super cool, shut up, Flash. We're working on genetics right now. They have spiders..." she made her hand crawl up Diana's back, causing the girl to shriek and jump towards Flash who nearly knocked over Harry.

"I hope one bites you," Flash grumbled, trying to adjust his position.

Gwen just rolled her eyes and moved past Diana to lean over and kiss his cheek, causing him to turn red and splutter, going so far as to hide his face in Harry's shirt, mumbling about her being stupid. Diana and Harry grinned widely at each other, looking down at the shortest members of their group.

"Why is your mom so flustered today?" Gwen asked, "We walked in and she's got all these recipes printed out and stuff. Is it someone's birthday?"

Flash's mood immediately dampened. "No. Dad invited his boss over for dinner. He and mom are doing this thing they used to do where they're gonna cook together. Mom's excited."

"Your dad invited his boss over...to your house?" Harry asked, "Isn't that a little..."

"He practically lives here," Flash grumbled, "And mom said it'd be a good way to show our support since his boss is aware of his 'situation'." He said 'situation' with air quotes before crossing his arms.

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