&11& And One More Thing

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The Next Morning

Lucy's POV

I wake up the next morning with Unity wrapped around me. I look at her. "Is there a reason that you're wrapped around me in defense form??"

Unity opens one eye. The bull.

I look out my window to see Taurus smush against the glass. "MMMMMOOOOO!!!! Good morning Ms. Lucy and your HHHHHOOOOOTTTTT BODY!!!"

Next thing we see is a blast of stars knock him away from my window. "I TOLD YOU TO WAKE MY DAUGHTER UP AN HOUR AGO!! AND I FIND YOU CREEPING ON HER BODY!!! TAURUS YOU BETTER BE LUCKY YOU'RE A SPIRIT AND I CAN'T KILL YOU!! But you know what.... I'm going to let Aquarius deal with your punishment."

Aquarius flies by my window. "I'll be happy too my queen."

My mom lands on my balcony and brushes off her dress. She walks up to my door and opens it. "Hi sweetheart. I hope you saw my Celestial Dragon Roar because by the end of the day you will learn it and will be able to do it. Ok I'll see you at breakfast sweetie." She grows wings and flies downstairs.

I look at Unity. "What just happened??"

Well that was your wake up call and your mission for today. Let's go so you can get started. She gets out of my bed and sits by the bathroom door.

I get out the bed and go take a quick shower. When I get back I find that Virgo has laid out some clothes for me. I hurry and put on the outfit: a black sports bra with a gold sleeveless hoodie and a pair of black and gold shorts. I grab a pair of white shoes and head to the dining room to eat with my keys and whip on my hip.

When I get to the dining room. I open the door to see Igneel and my dad arguing. I go sit between Void and Flora. "So what are they arguing about this time?"

Flora giggles. "The funny thing is they're arguing about the order of your training."

I nod and start eating. After a while of them arguing Grandeeney slams her hands down on the table to shut them up. "THAT'S ENOUGH!!!! IF YOU TWO IDIOTS ARE DONE. DIANA HAS ALREADY DECIDED ON LUCY'S TRAINING SCHEDULE...... Now Diana if you would, please."

Diana nods and stands and looks at me. "Ok Princess your schedule will be as followed: each dragon will get 4 months to train you as will the gods and goddesses, the fairies, and the angels in this order-

1st- Your mother
2nd- Grandeeney
3rd- Metalicana
4th- Igneel
5th- Clocksmith
6th- Void
7th- Lethal
8th- Bolt
9th- Flora
10th- Me
11th- Weisslogia
12th- Skiadrum
13th- Hugo
14th- Musa
15th- Your father
16th- angels
17th- gods and goddesses
18th- fairies.

Do you have that Princess??"

I nod. "But shouldn't I need more time? 4 months for each seems kinda----"

All of a sudden I feel a click echoing inside my head and I feel all this magical power push me through the table and onto the floor.

I feel my dad stumble back. "I thought her powers weren't pose to unlock until she started training!!!! Quick Hugo and Musa the bracelets!!!!"

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