Your first word(s)

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This is the first chapter to be rewritten! This book is from end 2018, so don't expect any Endgame stuff or stuff that came out in 2019 or 2020 to be in the first few chapters.


You were on Pepper's lap, watching your father fixing his suit. You're a toddler, so you always want attention, so you stubbornly flailed your limbs, yelling,


Pepper gasped, shocked at the sudden word that flew out your mouth before hugging you. Tony was just stared, deciding if he's drunk and imagining things or if his toddler actually spoke their first word. When he was certain he wasn't drunk, he was quick to pick you up and hug you, praising you. After the praising, he grinned at Pepper and asked,

'Where is the wine?'

Pepper just sighed before reminding him you're only a toddler. But Tony ignored her and happily tickled your belly, continuing his praising.


You were on the sofa, playing with your toy that made noise, while your father was arguing with Tony. But they went into shouting so you couldn't hear your toy anymore, upsetting you.

'Shut up!' You yelled, flailing your limbs.

Steve was quick to look while Tony broke out into laughter. Steve was quick to ask who you learned such language from, so you innocently answered Clint. So your father was quick to call Clint and scold him, angry he taught his child such language.


He was busy practicing so Natasha was watching over you. As Clint shot the arrow, it didn't hit the bullseye so Natasha teased him for it. Clint's excuse was that your cuteness distracted him, which caused Natasha to chuckle.

'Wrong!' Was all you said, pointing at the arrow.
This caused Natasha to laugh as Clint frowned. Natasha just picked you up before standing up, nodding,

'Yes, your dad is a loser who misses his targets.'

You just giggled as Clint took you from her. So he impressed you by shooting the bullseye many times.

Natasha: (You're a Romanoff, of course you say a whole sentence.)

Natasha held your plushie as she was playing with you, but sadly Tony and Thor came before talking to her, stealing the attention she should be giving you, which upset you. So you tugged the plushie, yelling,

'Play with me!'

Natasha just laughed before putting you on her lap and continuing to play with you, stroking your hair in a manner that said she is proud. Later she gave you a snack as a reward.


He was playing with you when suddenly Tony called him to the lab, so Bruce gave you a little smile as he said,

'Sorry, dear, but I have to go to the lab.'

'Lap?' You repeated, confused by this word.

He just chuckled before he pet your hair, proud of you before he quickly got up and followed Tony to the lab.


Thor was eating a poptart while you sat aside Loki, staring at your father eating. It made you hungry so you tugged Loki's sleeve. When he looked, you pointed to Thor, yelling,


You said it as if you were the king/queen demanding something. Thor was happy to give you a poptart while proudly yelling,

'Little me said a word, brother!'

'I heard...' Loki sighed.

'No fun.' You mumble to Loki while munching on your poptart.

Loki just facebooked himself, meaning he slammed his book against his face. But Thor didn't care at the moment how Loki felt, he was too busy praising you and feeding you poptarts.

Avengers X Child Reader Scenarios (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now