When you injure him

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He was angry so he threw his screwdriver. But he forgot you sat on the desk so it hit your head. You cry immediatly. He quickly ran to you and rubbed your head saying he didn't mean to do it. He kissed your head. You let him so he knew you weren't mad anymore.


He was cooking but suddenly the pot fell so it fell on you. You cry. He was so glad there was nothing in the pot that could burn you. He picked you up and did a ice bag against your head.


She was practicing with her gun. She accidently let it fall which even shocked her. It hit you and you cry. She crouched down and wiped your tears before saying she will buy you ice cream. You smile and went to kitchen quickly. She laughed and followed.


Of course it was with an arrow. It's always with an arrow you get injured! He pointed but you ran infront of the target so he screamed you name in shock. You cry. He ran quickly and said not to tell mother. He drove you to Natasha so she can help. You weren't allowed to tell mother or she would make Clint sleep on the sofa.


He and you were both on some bench. He had bought you ice cream. You accidently let the ice cream fall making you try reaching for it but fail. You slide doff the bench and fell on the ground. Cried making people look so dad quickly took you. He said not to cry so loud. He pet your head so calmed down.


He and you both on Asgard. You tried getting his attenion but tripped on the stairs and fell on butt. Cried since it hurted. He quickly looked and said sorry for not giving you attenion. He pulled you up before kissing your temple. You just hold his neck so you won't fall.


You were playing with your powers. But since your only a child you can't control it so good. You hurt your hands so cry. He ran in before sighing. He said he told you not to play with your powers without him. He wrapped bandages around your hands for it to heal. You just let him do what he needs while you wait. He did his pinky out and said to promise him not to do that again. Wrapped your tiny one around his large one.


He and you both at Steve's. You tried to reach the TV button to make it start but lost balance and fell in a stack of old DVD's. The two quickly looked when eharing the crash. Bucky said your really clumsy. He kissed your small cut before putting you on the sofa. He put the TV on and continued his conversation with Steve.


He and you playing games. You nibbled on the piece. Peter in panick slapped your hand so the toy flew to the wall. But he slapped your hand so cried. Yelled he hates you. He quickly took you and said he doesn't. So he bought pizza and said he will do whatever you want so you won't be mad with him. So forgave him after getting your toy you always wanted.

Dr Strange:

He and you both playing. You wore the cloak so were pulled backwards and hit the coffee table. Cried so he picked you up. He glared at the cloak before asking if your okay. You rub head and nod with a pout.


He and you both playing around with some video game. He yelled when he lost. He accidently hit your head so he rubbed it and said he didn't mean to do that. You yelled he hurt you. He yelled back he said sorry. You yelled he didn't.s o both arguing.

Nick Fury:

He was working again; you tried getting his attenion. You swinged your tiny ars but he just pushed you but a bit too hard. You hit the gun closet making it wobble. He quickly took you and was on time because it fell. He yelled he told you not to enter his office. You cry and ran away to Maria. So he sighed and had to try getting your love back with ice cream.

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